'Actor Inwards 40S' Lee Sang Bo Denies Drug Abuse Charges, Claims To Locomote Nether Medication For Depression

Article: 'Actor inwards forties' Lee Sang Bo denies drug abuse charges... "The medication was for my depression"

Source: Everyday Economy via Naver

1. [+1,126, -9] The even of what happened to his identify unit of measurement is heartbreaking. I promise that investigations are beingness done thoroughly.

2. [+728, -11] His manly mortal bring upward passed away inwards 2009, in addition to thus he lost his nuna in addition to woman bring upward to an accident after that. He's been on depression medication ever since. I can't fifty-fifty imagine what his life must've been similar ㅜㅜ

3. [+693, -14] After losing his entire identify unit of measurement to an accident, it couldnt' lead maintain been slowly for him to suffer it all alone. There are medications for depression amongst drug substances inwards them indeed, in addition to it seems similar it wasn't plenty in addition to he was supplementing his struggles amongst alcohol in addition to was afterward works life drunkenly stumbling through the streets when he was arrested. This is why the media should e'er human face to let on confirmed information earlier jumping to conclusions earlier they're sure. You tin give notice kill a mortal amongst a swipe of a pen.

4. [+507, -14] If he was abusing drugs, in addition to thus yes, he should endure penalized, but I lead maintain seen cases where depression medication has completely changed a mortal to the signal where they human activeness similar they're drunk.

5. [+407, -39] With a identify unit of measurement tragedy similar that, nosotros bespeak to allow him go.

6. [+104, -0] I promise that he's able to overcome his hard identify unit of measurement tragedy

7. [+70, -0] Investigations volition reveal the truth of his claims before long enough. If he genuinely was abusing drugs, in addition to thus that's the halt of his celebrity career.. but if it genuinely was the influence of depression medication, in addition to thus I promise he finds strength.

8. [+70, -2] I took depression medication when I was serving inwards the regular army in addition to the doc told me that at that topographic point are drug substances inwards it thus I could experience side effects. I'm thinking his illustration was something similar.

9. [+63, -1] He has non had an slowly life. I promise he's able to overcome all of this. If he genuinely was abusing drugs, in addition to thus he tin give notice pay the cost of his crime. If not, I promise he remembers that people volition e'er forget the concluding iii days of anything that's happened. He shouldn't allow it burden him in addition to discovery strength!!!

10. [+61, -0] I'm simply speculating but... since he was caught simply about Chuseok, I intend he was simply heavily intoxicated piece thinking nearly his identify unit of measurement in addition to mixed his medication amongst alcohol... I heard depression medication tin give notice lead maintain side effects similar this when taken inwards excess.


Source: Nate

1. [+3,852, -38] I'd endure thus lamentable if people made these assumptions nearly me if he genuinely is on depression medication

2. [+3,652, -33] How unfortunate... lost his father, in addition to thus his woman bring upward in addition to nuna inwards an accident ㅠㅠ I don't intend he could remain sane inwards all of that ㅠㅠㅠㅠ discovery strength. Work hard in addition to teach dorsum on TV soon... fighting.

3. [+3,454, -31] Lost his entire family, diagnosed amongst depression, left to celebrate Chuseok all alone... thus unfortunate

4. [+331, -0] If his claims are true, in addition to thus I experience thus bad for him. The media was hunting him downwardly without knowing anything first. He was spending Chuseok all solitary after losing his family... how heartbreaking is that?

5. [+289, -1] If he ended upward inwards this province of affairs because of the medication prescribed to him past times a hospital, he has no fault


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