Japanese 'Death Game' Genre Enthusiasts Reverberate On What 'Squid Game' Emmys Hateful For Their Industry

Article: "We are the master copy creators of expiry games" Japanese reactions to 'Squid Game' winning vi Emmys

Source: Asia Economy via Naver

Article talks nearly how the 'death games' genre has to a greater extent than oft than non been led yesteryear Japanese content similar 'Battle Royale' in addition to 'Kaiji' but none of which achieved the sort of commercial success similar 'Squid Game' has. Journalist Matsutani Shoichiro had to say, "'Squid Game' is of the 'death games' genre where characters are playing games amongst their lives on the line. It differentiates itself from Japanese works, however, yesteryear also portraying the problems inwards its society. The show's winning of Emmy awards has shown the weaknesses of Japanese industrial plant inwards this genre. It's an chance for us to intend nearly why Japan's 'death games' industrial plant bring non achieved worldwide popularity." 

Other netizens said, "I personally intend 'Liar Game' holds its ain to 'Squid Game' but most Japanese industrial plant are catered to its local audience." "Japan's 'death game' industrial plant are commonly focused on provocative scenes, which neglect at connecting relatability amongst the viewers. Most viewers worldwide are to a greater extent than interested inwards how the content they're watching reflects in addition to criticizes the ongoings of our society." A critic said, "'Squid Game' reached its fame yesteryear give-and-take of oral fissure from its viewers. It has shown that at that spot are no borders when it comes to entertainment, in addition to it's fourth dimension that nosotros larn that anyone amongst a creative thought tin forcefulness out survive given opportunities."


1. [+1,601, -49] Okay but you lot guys bring an amazing anime industry

2. [+683, -32] Okay but you lot guys bring an amazing roster of Nobel prize winners

3. [+425, -35] Their pop civilisation is agency also childish in addition to on the nose... Nandayo!!! Kakkoi!!!!! Nani shite noyo!!!! And their acting trend is also outdated in addition to over the top

4. [+292, -12] Yeah but you lot guys are at the transcend for anime amongst no room to budge

5. [+221, -41] Japan's trend is also otaku weab-ish ㅋㅋ non really mainstream friendly

6. [+65, -1] I intend Nihon struggles amongst making mainstream content, whether that survive 'death games' or whatever other genre. Even something seemingly normal volition halt upwardly going downwardly roughly niche genre or fetish topped off amongst roughly serious life lecture... ㅋㅋ

7. [+42, -1] Nihon in addition to China but bring terrible actors. China specially entirely cares nearly their characters looking pretty in addition to handsome amongst no regard to the actual acting. Japan's acting trend is in addition to thence over the transcend amongst exaggerated gestures. Just terrible.

8. [+41, -2] Okay but you lot guys bring an amazing AV industry

9. [+30, -2] You guys are amazing at animes in addition to mangas, though.. I'll give you lot that. But I bring to wonder if the Japanese also express joy at seeing such amazing anime industrial plant acquire turned into childish alive activeness dramas??

10. [+30, -3] I don't actually consider 'Battle Royale' of the 'death games' genre. 'Squid Game' is nearly people volunteering to bring together the battle royale but the film 'Battle Royale' kidnaps delinquent students in addition to forces them to kill each other. They're basically creating a dry reason amount of murderers. Even 'Kaiji' is nearly a debtor becoming a gambling addict in addition to putting his life on the business for it. 

11. [+18, -0] Japanese dramas tin forcefulness out kill characters inwards the same mode every bit Korean dramas but the vibe but isn't the same

12. [+16, -1] But you lot guys practise neat AV... though I'm certain that won't acquire you lot whatever Emmys

13. [+16, -1] Japanese content volition never survive mainstream because their trend caters to a greater extent than to the niche/fetish side of media. The people that similar that materials are actually into it but it's hard to survive enjoyed yesteryear the majority...

14. [+21, -8] Japanese dramas bore me. Their characters volition randomly slam their heads on the the world similar "gomennasai " or all of a abrupt survive exaggeratedly touched yesteryear something going "arigatou arigatou " in addition to the drama ever has to halt amongst roughly huge life lesson nearly justice.

15. [+12, -1] But Nihon is at the transcend of the globe for AV in addition to anime


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