Aespa Gets Harassed Past Times Manly Soul Students At Lee Soo Man's Alma Mater

Article: Aespa suffers harassment at Lee Soo Man's alma mater... "Did everything except demeanor on them"

Source: Chosun via Naver

1. [+1,393, -12] Trash.....

2. [+1,006, -19] Instead of finding the virile mortal students who tainted their school's honor, the schoolhouse is trying to top it off every 2d if someone exterior the schoolhouse committed these things!

3. [+816, -14] The materials posted inward this article isn't the entirely thing the students did. They posted pictures of Aespa amongst sexual remarks, trespassed on phase to accept selcas  ㅋㅋ they're claiming that they "did everything except demeanor on them" but if that's non sexual harassment, in addition to thus what is? You're non supposed to last touching them inward the get-go house ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ this is thus gross

4. [+413, -3] Why are kids similar this...

5. [+214, -4] These kids amend last writing handwritten apology letters ㅋㅋ are all virile mortal students similar this? They seriously brand me desire to kill them

6. [+127, -1] No ask to learn tardily on whatsoever of the students. They should all last jailed in addition to tried according to the strength of the law. This has naught to produce amongst Aespa beingness celebrities. They totally ignored their dignity every 2d human beings. Before Aespa are celebrities, they are the daughters in addition to friends of families. SM can't permit this slide simply because this happened at their CEO's alma mater in addition to they ask to accept amount responsibleness for it. Round them all upward in addition to brand them confront the law. They're high schoolers, they are at an historic catamenia where they should know the responsibleness of what it way to convey impairment onto others.

7. [+69, -3] Tsk tsk, these students should last punished thus that they never desire to agree their faces upward again. What were they thinking?

8. [+54, -1] Why is the schoolhouse trying to claim it wasn't their students but trespassers ㅋㅋㅋ I saw students inward existent fourth dimension changing their Instagram IDs because they got thus scared subsequently posting 

9. [+33, -2] Ugh... virile mortal high schoolhouse students, are they fifty-fifty sane? So celebrities don't deserve to last treated similar human beings? Disgusting...

10. [+19, -1] The reality of Hannams inward their teens in addition to twenties


Source: Naver

1. [+962, -204] Male high schoolhouse students are thus gross these days. I bet y'all our nascency charge per unit of measurement is going to drib to 0.1% inward 10 years ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+583, -167] And this is why virile mortal high schools are considered factories that breed hate! Take note, teachers in addition to parents! Keep coddling your boys in addition to they're going to destination upward similar the nth room scandal ringleader ^^

3. [+373, -15] It's unfair that Aespa are the victims in addition to yet their names are featured inward the headlines instead of the dingy teen boys of Kyungbuk High School

4. [+360, -13] These kids should non last allowed to learn to college

5. [+245, -34] These idiots are entirely ever watching p*rn thus they learn some committing sexual assail the infinitesimal they meet a adult woman inward existent life


Source: Wikitree via Instagram

1. [+307] What were their safety doing the whole fourth dimension instead of proteting them? 😡

2. [+284] What does it fifty-fifty hateful to possess got "done everything but demeanor on them"? Were they shouting verbal sexual remarks at them?

3. [+231] The article doesn't specify it but someone posted an Aespa moving painting amongst "s*x!!" written on it on their story

4. [+84] Where was their security? What would y'all facial expression inward a crowd amount of immature high schoolhouse boys who possess got no feel of caution amongst no adults around?

5. [+49] I never idea Aespa was at a grade where they yet needed to last performing at high schoolhouse events...;;

6. [+14] Both their agency in addition to the schoolhouse needs to reverberate on letting something similar this ever come about to a celebrity. An apology to the girls needs to last issued. It's thus embarrassing that things similar this are yet happening... 😡

7. [+31] If it's Lee Soo Man's alma mater, he should learn in addition to perform at that spot himself. Why would y'all shipping your ain woman mortal idols to a virile mortal high schoolhouse without whatsoever security;;


Source: Aespa's Kyungbuk High School scandal erupts into gender war... 'Hannam vs feminists made all this up'

Source: Everyday News via Naver

1. [+917, -65] Feminists did non brand anything up... why is it that men e'er claim everything was 'made up' whenever they're caught doing something. This is your dingy reality.

2. [+488, -3] To all of y'all defending the students maxim "they're immature boys, it's understandable that they got overly excited every 2d fans" y'all hateful it's understandable to commit sexual harassment? ㅋㅋ Doesn't that logic basically hateful men tin strength out commit sexual harassment whenever they desire every 2d long every 2d they're excited? ㅋㅋ

3. [+447, -7] "Made up"? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Why are men e'er claiming these scandals are made upward at that spot is proof correct inward front end of your eyes on Instagram stories

4. [+368, -3] What are they saying? It's fact that the virile mortal high schoolhouse students were sexually harassing the girls. This is a affair of crime, non a gender war.

5. [+301, -1] Find all of the students who posted these things, punish them, in addition to brand certain it shows on their records


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