Ses' Shoo Makes Her Debut Every 2Nd An Online Bj To Much Concern

Article: 'Gambling controversy' SES Shoo makes BJ debut... later a tearful apology, dances to donations rolling in

Source: The Joongang via Naver

1. [+965, -39] She's going to kickoff taking it off, soon...

2. [+288, -11] Please... wake up. Stop trying to brand coin inward exclusively the easiest of ways! Go acquire a chore inward some production line... So piteous that people are truly donating coin to her!!!

3. [+272, -10] She's basically going to pass the donations on gambling ㅡㅡ a Canis familiaris would sooner quit eating his ain poop than a gambler quitting gambling..

4. [+195, -2] She used to last i of the biggest names inward the music manufacture xx years ago... how did she halt upward similar this? You truly tin post away never say a person's future, huh

5. [+104, -12] I approximate there's no shame when it comes to needing money

6. [+73, -4] Bada in addition to Eugene should halt enabling her inward the advert of friendship in addition to aid her honor another work. It's starting to taint their ain images. It's non simply the gambling that ruined her ikon but all the sly acting around refusing to pay her tenants their deposits in addition to stuff. Mistakes tin post away last made but a person's grapheme is determined past times how you lot larn in addition to amend from those mistakes in addition to she's problematic for never reflecting on those things.

7. [+65, -0] Getting upward to trip the low-cal fantastic toe later crying ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ hilarious ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+52, -0] I'm to a greater extent than interested inward the brains of the people donating to her than her herself

9. [+51, -2] How did this happen... why non simply practise simple lifestyle vlogging alongside her children on YouTube... what is this ㅠㅠ

10. [+28, -0] She's truly heading into onetime historic menstruum inward such a lamentable means ㅠ


Source: Sojang via YouTube

1. [+1,700] I want she'd quit existence a BJ forthwith in addition to simply switch to YouTube. This is non a proficient life... in addition to she has children, too. It makes me tear up.. Shoo used to last i of the biggest names in addition to it's almost unbelievable to me that this is what she's doing now..

2. [+722] Makes me intend that she exclusively cares nigh making coin the slow way. There are in addition to hence many celebrities who brand ends run into past times existence delivery drivers or designated drivers because they never got the spotlight they needed. They don't move these jobs because they don't know that at that spot are easier ways to brand money... they simply aid nigh making an honest living without shame or embarrassment. Please sympathise that your children volition grow upward i day, Shoo...

3. [+204] Feels similar the memories of the older groups are existence tainted ㅠ HOT alongside Kangta, SES alongside Shoo, Sechskies alongside Kang Sung Hoon

4. [+792] She chose this life in addition to hence I don't possess got to back upward her, I simply promise that she's raising her kids inward a good for you lot way

5. [+746] Oh my god, delight halt tainting my fond memories, unni

6. [+448] Wow... I don't know how much debt she has inward full but her oldest boy is a sixth grader inward elementary. Doesn't she sympathise that i time it gets out to his schoolhouse that his woman rear is an adult BJ, they're going to nifty him? It mightiness impact his mental wellness every bit he matures... is Shoo inward the correct frame of heed correct now?

7. [+725] How did the national elf of my memories alter into this...

8. [+309] I looked upward her children's ages in addition to her oldest boy is xiii years old. He's onetime plenty to know what's going on... I'm certain all of his classmates know that his woman rear is an adult BJ now, it can't last proficient for his mental wellness ㅠㅠ

9. [+254] Everything nigh Shoo's life makes me intend "why??? simply why would you lot practise that????"

10. [+506] When she said she was getting create to last a personal streamer on TV, I assumed it would last YouTube, non this


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