Hyun Bin Together With Boy Ye Jin Convey Dorsum The Tendency Of Extravagant Weddings, Their Venue Is Booked Through Side Past Times Side Year

Article: "Should nosotros acquire married similar Hyun Bin as well as Son Ye Jin too?".... Wedding venue booked till adjacent year

Source: Han via Naver

1. [+3,868, -22] The venue doesn't matter... it's how you lot alive your life equally a twain later you lot acquire married that matters..

2. [+1,289, -45] It's all simply a waste matter of money.. I'd rather pass it on getting a nicer identify

3. [+459, -15] It's meaningless unless you're a rich celebrity or a chaebol...

4. [+397, -87] I visited the venue inwards existent life a calendar week ago. It's adjacent to a noisy highway as well as it's basically simply a champaign of grass amongst nada much to see. I accept no thought how they held a marriage at that spot amongst all that traffic noise. Judging yesteryear the pictures, they spent a ton of coin on prettying the venue upwards amongst flowers.

5. [+482, -260] If solely people learned from Won Bin...

6. [+173, -10] Won Bin ever gets brought upwards inwards articles similar this ㅋㅋㅋㅋ A marriage is a 1 time inwards a lifetime event, as well as thus what if people desire to acquire all out at a exceptional hotel or non if they accept the money? There's no dominion that says every marriage should locomote kept unproblematic as well as humble similar Won Bin. Won Bin's marriage solely looked proficient because they're superstars... if whatever non-celebrity tried that, they'd locomote judged yesteryear all their families nearly how the venue looks similar this, how the catering tasted bad, why is the bride's clothing as well as thus inexpensive looking, etc...ㅋㅋㅋ People volition accept an sentiment no thing what you lot choose.

7. [+147, -4] Now that I'm married... I realize what a farce the whole "once inwards a lifetime" final result thing is. All the coin I spent on this as well as that, on hanboks I'll never habiliment again, I would've rather spent on upgrading my house. All that matters inwards a marriage is how much you lot dearest each other as well as how willing you lot are inwards compromising to construct a life together.

8. [+88, -4] ㅋㅋ Hyun Bin as well as Son Ye Jin could've gotten married inwards approximately run downwards province identify as well as however accept made it shine

9. [+84, -2] It's solely of import how happy you lot are inwards the terminate a marriage is all for show

10. [+60, -2] The coin I regretted the most was everything I spent on my wedding... thousands out the door for 1 hr ㅎㅎㅎ

11. [+53, -2] Considering how famous Hyun Bin as well as Son Ye Jin are equally celebrities, their marriage should locomote considered an official operate final result amongst expectations. The residue of us shouldn't hold off to accept something of this score unless both families come upwards from wealth. And outset of all... your marriage pictures won't plough out similar theirs either ㅎㅎㅎ

12. [+43, -3] The indicate of this marriage is the fact that it's Hyun Bin as well as Son Ye Jin


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