Why Produce Korean Vesture Brands Prefer White Models?
Source: Han via Naver
1. [+1,685, -237] Are nosotros going to plough this into some PC thing? It's because white people possess got the to a greater extent than ideal physique together with model the apparel better, addition they're cheaper to hire every bit models.
2. [+1,298, -23] Because they're cheaper than Korean models, together with means cheaper than hiring celebrities
3. [+743, -71] Because they model the apparel better. I don't intend it's necessarily because they're white. Anyone tin say that white people possess got longer limbs than Asians together with therefore they build the apparel human face better.
4. [+247, -21] White models are means cheaper than the same like shooting fish in a barrel celebrities, together with they human face skilful likewise
5. [+143, -8] Brands that solely move white models genuinely build me plough away because it's difficult for me to moving-picture demo what their apparel volition human face similar on me
6. [+98, -35] I've ever been curious most this together with I'm glad it's in conclusion existence talked about. I don't instruct why these Korean brands whose principal consumer bases are Korean people move white models; it's together with therefore weird. Having solely white models volition naturally drive people to intend that white people are superior together with cooler. I intend that's why nosotros also possess got a lot of TV shows catered to getting validation from foreigners overseas. We involve to a greater extent than self-acceptance. I want the article of apparel manufacture would human face farther out to the woods instead of the tree.
7. [+46, -1] The indicate is that article of apparel companies hire these models because they're cheap, non because they're white... I don't intend this is a race issue.
8. [+40, -0] It's likely to a greater extent than profitable for brands to hire a random white mortal they run into walking around Itaewon than a celebrity who mightiness tank the brand's paradigm amongst a scandal
9. [+43, -4] Russian together with Ukrainian models are cheaper to hire... I incertitude brands are hiring American models, who tend to survive to a greater extent than expensive
10. [+24, -0] It's because they're cheaper. There's zip to a greater extent than to read into it. Anyone who's buying the apparel should know non to hold off their type of gibe on the consumer.
11. [+25, -3] Because all the Korean models are busy posting lookbooks on YouTube now...
12. [+14, -0] You guys are such a joke ㅋㅋㅋ this is withal argue why Chinese companies instruct crazy for white models too. Everyone thinks that having a white model volition build your build human face classier together with to a greater extent than luxurious because of how white-centric societies are. It's foolish. It's non similar nosotros don't possess got handsome models inward Korea amongst corking bodies. On the contrary, western brands prefer their Asian models to possess got that slanted eyes human face despite at that topographic point existence a lot of Asians amongst big, circular eyes too. They intend it's "more Asian". Asians move westerners for their classy paradigm acre westerners move Asians for their exotic image. It's embarrassing all around.
13. [+14, -4] Having white models gives the build a classier vibe, together with they're cheaper than hiring a celebrity. Brands run the direct a opportunity of cheapening their paradigm amongst celebrity models if they're non able to instruct an A listing name.
14. [+5, -0] The prices of apparel volition instruct upwards if these brands starting fourth dimension using famous Korean celebrities instead ㅜㅜ
15. [+4, -0] I'm pretty certain it's because Korean models are to a greater extent than expensive to hire. I don't intend there's anything racist most it. A lot of the famous plumbing equipment models are expensive, together with a lot of them are genuinely brands inward their ain right, similar Imvely.