Netizens Uncovering Out Bts Hiatus Annunciation Was Filmed 3 Weeks Earlier Liberate Together With Subsequent Driblet Inward Hybe Stock

Article: BTS' tearful proclamation was filmed 3 weeks ago... is Hybe responsible for the 'drop inward stock'?

Source: Money Today via Naver

1. [+699, -29] So they all must've sold their shares prior to the announcement

2. [+215, -7] There needs to last an investigation done to come across if whatever insiders sold their Hybe stocks afterward this was filmed

3. [+198, -74] Bunch of scammers... Hybe together with the members are all responsible

4. [+82, -13] Didn't people know this was going to hap when they bought Hybe stocks? BTS' popularity wasn't going to terminal forever, together with did you lot all actually retrieve a grouping to supersede them would hap then easily? Profiting from stocks is your responsibility, but then is the loss.

5. [+66, -12] BTS deserves to accept a interruption together with larn about air. They're i of the rare idols inward a acre alongside both move ethic together with class. They deserve to larn about rest, grow, together with come upwards dorsum stronger than ever. Serve inward the army, accept about classes, larn on dates, taste about hobbies. Sure, investors volition receive got to absorb about damage, but investing is solely every bit profitable every bit you lot brand it. You can't blame others for your losses. The article clearly states they'll even then last doing private activities, together with I'm certain stocks volition larn upwards accordingly. None of these claims virtually having filmed it 3 weeks is considered illegal or a stock scam. Investors knew the opportunity going into this together with it's ridiculous that they're crying virtually it now.

6. [+55, -12] Let's larn i thing straight. BTS has been communicating alongside their fans the same way this whole time. It was the media who started spinning stories virtually them disbanding together with causing the stocks to tumble. Once intelligence of the taxation investigations came out, the media jumped on that likewise together with caused a scare that had zippo to create alongside BTS nut everything to create alongside a authorities bent on getting their revenge. 

7. [+42, -7] It's the responsibleness of the investor to query what they're going into. They knew that the members were due for enlistment soon, which agency they wouldn't last able to promote every bit a grouping for a acre every bit it is... how could you lot non receive got factored that into your purchase??? It's non similar this all came out of the blue....

8. [+33, -0] Honestly, anyone who's a niggling aware of BTS or Hybe would've known amend than to purchase Hybe stocks considering the way all the scenarios are pointing. If BTS doesn't enlist, they volition larn to a greater extent than antis, together with if they create enlist, they volition provide by their prime. Either way, the route ends for them soon. And if you lot facial expression at their junior groups, none of them are every bit charming or exhibit every bit much potential every bit BTS then you lot won't last able to suck every bit much of a net out of them every bit BTS. As a company, Hybe doesn't actually receive got much of a production correct now, together with their cash moo-cow is expiring. Their stock was restrain to drop, it was simply a thing of today or tomorrow.

9. [+56, -25] Not certain why Hybe is existence asked to accept responsibleness for the stocks dropping. That's on the investors to figure out.

10. [+29, -0] One of the many reasons why Hybe is trash..

11. [+29, -5] They made a joke out of their stocks... They knew all this for weeks together with left the residue of their investors out to die. Do they receive got fifty-fifty an ounce of consideration for all of the fans who bought their stocks for their sake?

12. [+28, -4] People are existence blind to argue correct straight off because they're losing their ain coin but the stock marketplace was never a prophylactic house to start with. You knew what the risks were when you lot chose to invest inward their stocks together with it's unfair for you lot to last sitting inward the comments accusing them of insider trading because you lot lost your money. It's wretched together with funny. BTS themselves never said that they were disbanding or halting promos then what's alongside all this fuss??

13. [+20, -0] They in all likelihood sold all their stocks earlier announcing this ㅋㅋ

14. [+21, -2] I don't larn why people await BTS to non fifty-fifty last able to talk their take away heed because of the stock prices. You all knew when you lot bought their stocks that they were eventually going to enlist, no?

15. [+18, -1] Anyone who watched them celluloid this would've known that Hybe stocks would plummet the infinitesimal the video was released, then how many of them sold their stocks through unlike names until the release? There needs to last an investigation done.


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