Ze:A's Luna Junyoung Denies Sponsor Claims Yesteryear Bj Haru

Article: Moon Junyoung, "I offered to sponsor BJ Haru? Nonsense... I volition lawyer upwardly too accept legal action"

Source: Chosun via Naver

1. [+442, -7] "You're my agency you're thence lovely " ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ you're actually trying to tell me that y'all were messaging her this for your digital music business?

2. [+50, -0] He's in all likelihood inwards his mid-thirties at ane time too he's nevertheless using ZE:A's refer to striking on girls with... aigoo...

3. [+45, -0] He told her "your seem upwardly too phonation are totally my style, I know I tin dear y'all right, delight laissez passer on me a chance" what else tin that endure interpreted every bit other than a confession of love? What sort of fellowship tries to sentry a music talent past times promising to "love them right" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+27, -3] Men willing to donate to girls similar this, girls who stream on YouTube similar this... all stone bottom lives

5. [+14, -0] Luna Junyoung sent her a Katalk "I know I tin dear y'all right, to a greater extent than than anyone else inwards this world. Your face, voice, drinking habits, fifty-fifty your express joy too your front end teeth are all my style. You are thence lovely" spell Haru replied, "I'm non cook to appointment person correct now". Luna Junyoung too thence claimed he lost his Galvanic cell too DM'd her on Instagram, which she did non respond to. So these are the facts, right?


Article: Moon Junyoung responds to BJ Haru's 'sponsor reveal', Luna Junyoung, "It's unfounded, I volition function out ZE:A if I'm proven wrong"

Source: The Joongang via Naver

1. [+304, -25] Seems similar he doesn't know what girls who BJ used to practice before

2. [+239, -8] What a joke, he should endure embarrassed of himself. Kwanghee, Hyungshik, too Dongjun are promoting simply fine, why is he going simply about tainting his group's refer similar this?

3. [+139, -3] I volition never sympathize guys who larn all crazy for BJs too outset sending them money. I simply don't larn it.

4. [+132, -1] I bet Haru makes to a greater extent than coin than Luna Junyoung, though

5. [+60, -2] So he seduced a BJ, paid her up, too got an R rated video inwards exchange. That's great, he tin sentiment that inwards private. Why threaten to unloosen that at ane time simply because she turned him down? What is releasing that to us supposed to accomplish? How tin he fifty-fifty brand a threat similar that thence publicly too confidently?

6. [+43, -1] Something virtually that Park Yoochun facial structure, they all halt upwardly troublemakers

7. [+34, -0] He's maxim he'll function out ZE:A if he's proven incorrect but that's non fifty-fifty putting a lot on the line?

8. [+29, -0] He'll function out ZE:A if he's incorrect ㅋㅋ oh yeah, you're actually risking it big here

9. [+23, -2] How are y'all an idol too y'all receive got no other girls to striking on but some stupid BJ who makes her coin past times wearing high schoolhouse uniforms to entertain ajusshis too grandpas for money? Tsk tsk, wake up.

10. [+6, -0] I idea the flick was Park Yoochun for a second


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