Yoo Jae Suk Constitute To Convey Paid For Someone's Middle Transplant Surgery

Article: Yoo Jae Suk donates total damage of pump transplant surgical physical care for 'another positive storey to add together to the list'

Source: Everyday Economy via Naver

1. [+1,323, -20] Such heartwarming news. He deserves all of the public's dear judging yesteryear how these stories of skillful deeds are never ending. I volition ever back upwards him.

2. [+559, -10] Wishing cipher simply luck too happiness to Yoo Jae Suk

3. [+439, -3] I honour him much to a greater extent than than our rich politicians

4. [+471, -127] If he ever wanted to run for president... I intend I'd... vote for him ㅜㅜ

5. [+203, -22] Such a skillful human being too yet people even too thence detect a argue to loathe on him too operate him for their political arguments

6. [+83, -2] The outset matter celebrities produce when they start to brand skillful coin off their fame is purchase upwards buildings too start getting lean amongst their work... simply Yoo Jae Suk has worked difficult all 365 days of every year. His piece of occupation isn't fifty-fifty similar actors who exclusively convey to cinema for a few months out of the twelvemonth earlier going on break. He's worked difficult every hateful solar daytime for the yesteryear 10 years, too it puts me inwards awe. I bet at that topographic point are to a greater extent than skillful deeds that he's done that convey never made it to the spotlight.

7. [+82, -1] Need to a greater extent than celebrities similar him. They brand coin off of their popularity amongst the public, too he's a truthful Korean hero for giving dorsum to our people similar this.

8. [+44, -0] He's too thence unlike from the celebrities who are exclusively ever inwards the intelligence for taking out huge mortgage loans to purchase upwards buildings that they sell dorsum for millions inwards profit

9. [+31, -3] One of the reasons why I wishing him fifty-fifty to a greater extent than success than he has now

10. [+28, -3] I wonder what Jun Ji Hyun or Ryu Jun Yeol experience when they read intelligence similar this


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