Hong Jin Immature To Brand Her Furnish Afterward Plagiarism Scandal Hiatus

Article: Hong Jin Young to provide amongst a novel vocal later 1 twelvemonth v calendar month hiatus... "I volition atone together with acquire dorsum to my roots"

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+472] So did you lot pass your reflection menstruation producing your novel song? Can it fifty-fifty survive called a reflection period? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+241] But you lot were plagiarizing fifty-fifty earlier you lot debuted therefore how are you lot returning to your roots there

3. [+151] Don't come upward back!!

4. [+186] She must survive inwards require of coin now

5. [+455] Looks similar she wasn't spending fourth dimension reflecting but writing upward her novel song

6. [+71] I can't stand upward her ㅠㅠ

7. [+64] Since she was plagiarizing at her roots, she's but going dorsum to her roots again

8. [+33] Really makes you lot realize how amazing IU is !! Hong Jin Young-ssi, you lot should acquire from her

9. [+37] Always the same designing amongst these celebrities...

10. [+28] People don't alter therefore easily

11. [+41] Don't come upward back

12. [+38] Nah, we're okay, you lot tin acquire back

13. [+19] Find forcefulness 🙌

14. [+13] Why non come upward dorsum later you lot acquire your doctoral flat for real

15. [+33] What I honor hilarious almost celebrities is that they alone consider atoning later making their comebacks. Why non but rest tranquillity together with atone inwards silence? How are you lot going to atone spell making money? There's null to atone for, you lot but desire to come upward dorsum together with brand coin again. I've ever idea positively of her positive unloose energy together with locomote ethic but seeing her prevarication on top of lies made me therefore disappointed. The fact that her picture was built on lies... She should donate all the coin she's made instead.


Source: Naver

1. [+2,688, -193] And this is why celebrities volition never acquire it! Just ban her from the manufacture for practiced

2. [+1,961, -18] She's non getting abhor for plagiarizing her thesis. She's getting abhor for plagiarizing it together with and therefore lying proverb she didn't do it. She scammed everyone on top of her scam. She needs to a greater extent than fourth dimension for reflection

3. [+479, -12] As always, they come upward crawling dorsum out later fourth dimension passes

4. [+246, -1] I ever constitute it funny whenever singers were similar "I'll come upward dorsum to singing amongst reflection, atonement, I'll repay my debt amongst practiced acting inwards a drama" ㅋㅋ if you lot really desire to atone, don't come upward dorsum out. They're the ones making coin but they're acting equally if they're committing a huge sacrifice yesteryear choosing to come upward back.

5. [+211, -3] So she was preparing her novel vocal inwards the fourth dimension she should've been reflecting? ㅋ As if she was reflecting at all ㅋ

6. [+202, -5] Lies induce got been normalized inwards the amusement industry. A floor similar Hong Jin Young's should never survive allowed to laissez passer on off again. She did non brand a mistake, she intentionally lied together with scammed the public.


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