Stray Kids' Felix Sends Raunchy Bubble Messages?

Video: Male idol from a big means solicits fans?

Source: Sojang via YouTube

Stray Kids' Felix posted a string of messages on Bubble saying: "Try using a silk blanket in i trial It's genuinely comfortable in addition to doesn't larn hot. It's really breezy ", "If y'all desire to endeavour it out, I stimulate got infinite inwards my bed side yesteryear side to me, nosotros tin slumber together 💙". In some other Bubble message at night, he wrote, "I'll exercise whatever y'all want. The leather strap around my cervix belongs to you. It's in addition to hence hot, I must've been imagining besides many things spell amongst you. I'm glad y'all tin read my thoughts 🤍 What exercise y'all intend I was thinking about?" (audio message of kissing noises in addition to moaning) "What's for dinner? You?"


1. [+211] Wow... Stray Kids is genuinely makjang, isn't it. I can't believe a manful mortal idol has the audacity to exercise this, in addition to that they all the same stimulate got fans... ugh, goosebumps...

2. [+123] How tin he exercise this? No affair how thoughtless y'all are, simply how slowly exercise y'all sparse kyour fans are to simply state materials similar this? I'm amazed that a mortal similar this is an idol... ㅋㅋ

3. [+179] The final Bubble well message almost made me throw up. He makes kissing noises in addition to moans ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Thank y'all for making me larn out the fandom.

4. [+334] He's likely thinking "oh I'm in addition to hence skillful at hooking my fans on" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+163] I'm a Stray Kids fan... in addition to Yongbok used to alive abroad in addition to hence I intend he didn't intend these messages would hold out problematic... I simply promise he's to a greater extent than careful inwards the hereafter in addition to that someone educates him on the differences betwixt Australian in addition to Korean culture...
- [+88] Not everyone who lived abroad acts similar this. S*xual harassment is a big bargain abroad too.
- [+64] I intend claiming he's a foreigner is simply making excuses for him ㅡ.ㅡ;;
- [+68] Do y'all guys genuinely intend foreigners become around talking close s*x all the time? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The desperate shields are making me tear upward inwards laughter

6. [+202] JYP doesn't larn to brag close graphic symbol anymore

7. [+87] Meanwhile NCT's Haechan was begging fans on Bubble to purchase him bbq eel over rice, why is everyone beingness similar this

8. [+120] He used to alive inwards Australia... in addition to s*xual remarks similar this are tranquillity mutual there, peculiarly if you're of a closer relationship. But Yongbok-ah ㅜ this is Korea... your career volition larn exiled if y'all human activity similar this hither ㅜ

9. [+52] I'm a Stray Kids fan in addition to Felix is inwards the incorrect for this... Let's delight hold out to a greater extent than careful amongst hereafter Bubble messages ㅜ Please Yongbok-ah, nosotros know y'all stimulate got a non bad phonation in addition to I desire to heed to it for a long time.. in addition to hence delight don't create problems similar this ㅜ

10. [+24] What does he intend his fans desire out of him? A manful mortal escort?

11. [+82] He also has a Bubble where he's similar "What's for dinner? You?"... lots to state but I won't state it...

12. [+102] I idea the start one-half wasn't that big of a bargain but the minute half, he's crazy ㅋㅋ

13. [+34] This is genuinely shocking;; what is the media doing non picking upward on this? Did JYP block them..?
- [+15] He's such a nugu that I dubiety the media fifty-fifty knows close him

14. [+65] First fourth dimension seeing an idol solicit their fans similar this... It's genuinely a mess that he all the same has fans who bask these remarks from him

15. [+58] This crossed the line... in addition to and hence did his fans who accepted this

16. [+47] I tin run into that this is fan service at a really explicit grade but it does appear really cheap... He's a JYP idol, there's no demand for him to bring it this far

17. [+34] It's ever the nugu members who effort problems similar this...


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