Video Clip Of Seventeen's Mingyu Interacting Alongside A Woman Mortal Staff Nether Scrutiny

Video: Seventeen's Mingyu nether disputation for intimate skinship amongst woman individual staff inwards waiting room

Source: Sojang via YouTube

1. [+259] Mingyu, please... only remain placidity ㅠㅠㅠ let's delight only alive peacefully ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

2. [+170] Whether he's dating her or not, I intend it's irresponsible of him every bit an idol to live acting similar this amongst a staff fellow member of the contrary sexual practice inwards a populace surface area that fans are able to see. Idols are nether thus much scrutiny every bit it is where fifty-fifty only a glance inwards the incorrect direction tin campaign rumors. Most idols amongst a normal caput on their shoulders wouldn't intend to human activity similar this.

3. [+597] Wow, I solely e'er watched this channel for fun but I approximate this is what it feels similar when a video nigh your ain bias is uploaded ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+118] Mingyu-ya, whether this is truthful or not, I desire Pledis to upload an official argument soon. You possess got thus many controversies already together with I promise you lot terminate upsetting Carats similar this.

5. [+73] Top three situations that pisses fandoms off inwards regards to dating rumors: when idols appointment fans, when idols acquire into rumors inwards populace places similar broadcast halls, when idols brand their human relationship super obvious through hints on SNS. Fans create non help whether idols appointment or not. We're only quest that you lot demonstrate us the to the lowest degree amount of honour for the affection together with back upwardly that nosotros demonstrate you. People who say things similar "who cares if idols date" really don't empathise how fans really feel.

6. [+79] Mingyu... it's totally normal that you lot similar girls together with everything but delight create these things inwards private... Do it thus that you lot don't acquire caught yesteryear your fans. When these controversies proceed popping up, your fans are going to acquire tired together with leave. No 1 volition help if you lot create it privately, if you lot don't acquire caught ㅠ I empathise that you're immature together with desire to acquire into relationships... only don't acquire caught ㅠㅠㅠ

7. [+70] No thing what scandal Seventeen gets into, they never issue a clarification or a statement. Even a grouping at BTS' marking volition issue denial statements over the littlest of things. All Seventeen e'er does is acquire on hiatus when something happens earlier coming dorsum out. Fans proceed maxim "it's okay" over it but at that topographic point are a lot of fans who don't intend it's okay. Obviously Seventeen is hiding things because they know it volition impact their image. So say something. The longer nosotros concur our quiet for them, it's solely going to foster bad habits for them. They demand to acquire the lesson of 1 big scandal to acquire to live to a greater extent than careful inwards the future.

8. [+26] Mingyu-ya, I desire Seventeen to live a long lasting group...

9. [+51] As someone whose bias is currently Mingyu, my mental has completely shattered, but I'm only waiting for an official argument from him

10. [+94] Please terminate beingness similar this, Mingyu-ya... I desire Seventeen to final long... How many controversies possess got you lot lonely already caused, Mingyu-ya...

11. [+215] He should know to human activity similar this solely where he's somewhere private. I don't help that he's acting similar this if both parties are consenting adults but... manifestly fans are going to live upset if he's acting similar this where everyone tin come across him. It's similar watching someone smoke inwards a non-smoking area.

12. [+56] I don't desire to criticize him inwards a province of affairs where nosotros don't know what precisely happened ㅠㅠㅠ!! but if this was my ain bias... I'll live honest, I'd lose my mental ㅠㅠ 


Source: T Big News via YouTube

1. [+123] Both staff together with idol are pepole too, it wouldn't live problematic if they're both consenting adults... I intend it's really incorrect that people are finding this problematic only because he's an idol together with expecting him to non verbalise to woman individual staff or anything. I'm jealous of that staff member...

2. [+99] He's able to line off joking similar this amongst someone because he's thus handsome, I'm jealous...

3. [+21] If they both similar each other, I don't observe this problematic

4. [+71] Are idols non allowed to joke amongst anyone else.. it's non similar he harassed her. What's thus problematic nigh this?

5. [+173] If neither political party industrial plant life this activity to live problematic, together with then there's zilch incorrect amongst it. I'm certain some activity would've been taken if she industrial plant life him uncomfortable. I don't intend it's fair for idols to possess got to concur dorsum for the sake of their careers inwards these times. Fans seem to possess got a lot of fourth dimension on their hands to observe these things problematic when they're non fifty-fifty really dating.

6. [+69] The individual who filmed together with uploaded this gives me goosebumps.. this is basically a hidden camera. And the staff looks similar she's laughing, too.. I don't come across how this is a problematic situation..?

7. [+88] Staff are constantly working inwards unopen quarters amongst these idols, I'm certain they're jump to acquire close. I'm only jealous of that staff...

8. [+26] Shouldn't the hidden photographic television receiver camera footage live to a greater extent than problematic than the skinship..? Hidden cameras are crimes, piece skinship is fine if you're unopen plenty amongst each other for it. I similar how no 1 cares nigh the hidden photographic television receiver camera footage together with are busy hating on Mingyu instead. Hurry together with observe the hidden photographic television receiver camera criminal...

9. [+21] The people who observe him disappointing weren't existent fans inwards the outset place. It's non similar the staff came out together with said he industrial plant life his actions to live inappropriate. If he was okay together with she was okay, together with then everything should live okay.

10. [+37] It's thus gross that this is seen every bit problematic. Fans should only stan dolls instead of idols it's non similar the staff came out amongst a #metoo, you lot guys are really kicking upwardly a fuss over him joking some amongst her ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ it must suck to live an idol dealing amongst loathe rumors similar this ㅋㅋㅋ

11. [+67] What's amongst all the hate... they aspect similar they're close, what's incorrect amongst that...

12. [+71] It's obvious that they're only joking around. It's non similar he grabbed her anywhere inappropriate or the adult woman expressed disgust. Why is this problematic?

13. [+39] I'm sad but did some fans really hold back Mingyu to live the placidity type to sit down inwards the waiting room doing nothing?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I intend it's normal that he's inwards the dorsum joking some amongst staff similar this... why human activity thus disappointed? ㅋㅋㅋ It's non similar he kissed her. He's a handsome guy amongst an extroverted personality who likes playing jokes on people... this isn't a big deal.


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