Seungri Transferred To Civilian Prison, Scheduled To Endure Released Side Past Times Side February

Article: The autumn of Seungtsby... Seungri transferred to civilian prison, to last released adjacent February

Source: Kukmin Ilbo via Naver

1. [+1,090, -12] What is incorrect alongside our country? A human being similar him should last kept inward prison theatre at to the lowest degree until the twelvemonth 2323

2. [+510, -5] Is this sentencing a joke? A twelvemonth in addition to half dozen months, the perfect sum of fourth dimension to merely cool your head....

3. [+380, -5] Downfall? He in all probability has plenty saved to pass for the residual of his life in addition to withal create got leftovers. No worrying close celebrities

4. [+144, -3] A twelvemonth in addition to half dozen months is hardly a "downfall" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+58, -0] YG's legal squad must last crazy strong... whatever non-celebrity would've easily gotten 10 years, though I dubiety whatever non-celebrity has the balls to commit whatever of these crimes

6. [+27, -1] A sentencing every bit lite every bit a slice of paper

7. [+27, -1] They should've confiscated his assets. All he has to create is serve for a twelvemonth in addition to he gets to furnish to his rich lifestyle, there's no downfall here.

8. [+21, -0] How is he whatever unlike from the nth room scandal ㅡㅡ where are the standards

9. [+18, -0] I withal don't larn why his regular army service wasn't extended every bit well

10. [+18, -0] What a groovy Blue Planet to commit crimes in


Source: Herald via Naver

1. [+270, -7] I don't larn why the fourth dimension he was inward jail piece serving inward the regular army was counted every bit his service?????

2. [+236, -5] He has nine charges but exclusively 1 twelvemonth in addition to half dozen months inward jail?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+129, -2] I desire to alive similar that. Commit all the trashy crimes inward life but withal create got wealth built upward in addition to larn to accept a pause for eighteen months. What a beautiful country, this hellhole ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+20, -0] In what logic does it brand feel that his judgement is shorter than Jung Jun Young

5. [+5, -0] As if the 1 twelvemonth half dozen months wasn't bad enough, they're counting the fourth dimension he spent inward regular army jail into the judgement in addition to thus he's already getting out adjacent year


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