Jang Luna Bok Tears Upwards Piece Recounting The Abhor He As Well As His Identify Unit Of Measurement Got When He Debuted

Article: Jang Luna Bok sobs land explaining why he regrets competing on 'Superstar K'... "Haters went subsequently my woman bring upwards earlier she died, all because of me"

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+633] Luna Bok is such a skillful person, someone who I regard i of the nearly loyal in addition to kindest someone I know. Anyone who dares to wound non alone him but his ain menage unit of measurement deserves to suffer.

2. [+406] It was incorrect of haters to cross the draw in addition to mess amongst his family

3. [+246] I randomly met him the commencement solar daytime of his debut in addition to gave him a sponsored couplet of sunglasses. Ever since then, whatever fourth dimension he came dorsum to Hongdae, he'd view me amongst java in addition to country give cheers you. Luna Bok-ssi is hence sort in addition to I promise he finds forcefulness in addition to hits daebak.

4. [+183] I supported him hoping that he would alone walk downward a 'check-gil' road, but messing amongst his menage unit of measurement was hence wrong...

5. [+209] I actually don't empathize how someone tin create this to someone. To become every bit far every bit to uncovering out his telephone number... I don't fifty-fifty desire to know what goes on inwards the heed of someone similar this. I promise they know karma volition teach them.

6. [+13] This is hence sad. It's ever because of the people who alive their lives thoughtlessly that the people who alive thoughtful lives accept to suffer.

7. [+11] I idea the thumbnail was Seolhyun at commencement ㅋㅋ

8. [+10] Calling menage unit of measurement is merely crossing the line

9. [+50] To all the haters who went every bit far every bit calling his family, I promise that your menage unit of measurement in addition to all your descendants endure from cancer in addition to alive long, suffering lives.

10. [+4] He worked difficult to accomplish his dreams... non to last laughed at past times haters. I promise that Luna Bok achieves happiness greater than whatever hurting that was inflicted upon him!

11. [+13] Being a celebrity is no slowly chore but that doesn't hateful people should merely last allowed to dig into his individual life similar that. There is no chore inwards the globe where anyone would desire to last hated on "as a business office of the job".

12. [+18] How big of a slice of trash create y'all accept to last to telephone phone someone's menage unit of measurement upwards merely to loathe on them?

13. [+1] I recollect he used to teach a lot of loathe for having long pilus every bit a human being when he commencement debuted. People merely reject to admit that people tin different.


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