Why Didn't Kim Garam Protestation Her Schoolhouse Violence Commission Sentencing If She Was The Victim?

Article: Kim Garam received a #5 disposition from schoolhouse violence committee... why did she non file an objection?

Source: No Cut News via Naver

1. [+3,187, -15] This has to live on a starting fourth dimension inward the amusement industry, right? A #5 disposition..?

2. [+2,500, -31] The argue she only accepted it? It's obvious. The ruling was in all probability to a greater extent than lenient than what her criminal offense deserved hence her parents only wanted to hurry upwards as well as movement on from it. If she really was a victim of abuse, produce you lot think her parents would've only accepted a #5 disposition without a fight? 

3. [+1,647, -18] I don't fifty-fifty know what her agency is trying to say. So they acknowledge that a illustration amongst the schoolhouse violence commission was opened but claims she didn't produce anything wrong;; is this a joke? People remove to realize that she did something hence bad that a illustration had to live on opened inward the starting fourth dimension place. It's ridiculous how many unlike clarifications they're putting out acre withal missing the point.

4. [+946, -17] Hybe only keeps maxim the same thing. They acknowledge she received a disposition #5 but claims that it would've been lower if she had filed an objection. Okay, hence where are the clarifications for her other past times photos?

5. [+392, -1] Her schoolhouse was watching over her the entire fourth dimension she was their student. Do you lot really think they would've sentenced her to a #5 if she was genuinely the victim similar they're claiming? If anything, schools are known to plough over to a greater extent than lenient sentencing inward consideration for the student's future.

6. [+340, -6] She's been hopeless since middle schoolhouse judging past times her actions as well as way of speech. People similar her shouldn't live on allowed to debut equally idols of teenagers. Celebrities remove to live on held to higher scrutiny considering the millions they brand off the honey of the public.

7. [+298, -2] It's hence crazy how Hybe keeps trying to telephone yell upwards the victim the perpetrator as well as claiming the perpetrator is really the victim. It gives me goosebumps that nosotros alive inward such a club correct now. 

8. [+277, -3] Reading Hybe or Source or whatever's clarifications really gives me goosebumps amongst how tacky they're being, all only to protect this thug ㅋㅋㅋㅋ "she was similar this inward unproblematic school, similar that inward junior high school" but straightaway that it's been flora that she received a #5 disposition, they're claiming it's unfortunate that her parents didn't object the sentencing? So they're blaming the schoolhouse violence commission for ruling wrong? ㅋㅋㅋ Are they seriously trying to claim that Kim Garam is really the victim as well as that the schoolhouse violence commission didn't thoroughly investigate the case? ㅋㅋ

9. [+277, -4] It's obvious that Source Music has no thought how the schoolhouse violence commission works. Even if she was transferred, both schools remove hold to cooperate for the committee, as well as it's impossible for the names to larn mixed upwards similar Source is claiming. Furthermore, the fact that her parents accepted the #5 ruling agency that they empathize that she was sentenced to something lesser than what she deserved hence they only accepted it to movement on from the case. 

10. [+258, -5] The schoolhouse violence commission is non some PTA coming together that meets as well as adjourns at a whim. It's an extremely serious commission that barely opens in i lawsuit a yr as well as involves participation from the law as well as utilization of education. It's ridiculous that Source is claiming these fake things.

11. [+215, -0] A #5 disposition ruling stays on your tape forever. There's no way the parents would've left it if she was the victim only to "teach her a lesson"

12. [+79, -0] I holler back a illustration a long fourth dimension agone where a grouping of students locked upwards a classmate as well as assaulted them, which received a disposition #4. For her to have a disposition #5 agency that she was definitely a constituent of the gang grapple as well as that she was i of the instigators. A disposition #5 remains on your schoolhouse records fifty-fifty afterward graduation. For context, dispositions #6 as well as upwards are applied to students who've committed murder, theft, as well as sexual practice crimes.


Article: Le Sserafim to promote equally v starting tomorrow amongst 'Inkigayo'

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+1,432] Na-Garam (TN: 'nagara' agency to leave)

2. [+971] I think she's eventually going to live on kicked out for good. This is an agency that's known approximately the Blue Planet equally a leader of K-Pop hence delight gear upwards a goodness illustration for everyone else.

3. [+810] Kicking her out is the alone answer hence I'm really curious equally to why her agency feels the remove to concur on to her similar this

4. [+328] Is this a novel record? Being kicked out the same promo equally your debut ㅋㅋㅋ 😂

5. [+378] I volition never empathize her agency for keeping a youngster who was sentenced to a disposition #5, as well as I volition never empathize her for non voluntarily leaving inward the starting fourth dimension place

6. [+313] Their clarification is hence ridiculous. They're claiming a youngster who received a disposition #5 is hence wound as well as inward remove of remainder ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ according to interviews from experts, in that location is no way a educatee receives a disposition #5 over a simple mistake

7. [+131] I don't think the grouping volition experience her absence fifty-fifty if she leaves

8. [+156] Hybe is ever suffering from their daughter groups

9. [+129] "Temporarily", instead of kicking her out, they're telling her to only remain domicile for a bit

10. [+115] And the argue for halting her promos temporarily is non fifty-fifty to reverberate on her mistakes but to "ease her wound feelings" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ is this a joke


Article: Hybe claims Kim Garam was never a fan of a manful soul artist, netizens honor past times photos of her BTS telephone case

Source: Idol Issue via Instagram

1. [+1,491] What the, she improve non live on an NCT fan

2. [+1,167] But V is a Hybe artist... as well as Sakura is her ain squad member...

3. [+684] What did NCT produce hence incorrect for someone similar her to live on their fan ㅠ

4. [+276] But isn't V a Hybe creative soul too?!

5. [+385] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm laughing at pictures of her telephone illustration beingness found... Hybe only needs to proceed their oral fissure shut

6. [+188] She is such a joke

7. [+597] Better never country you're an NCT fan

8. [+65] I'm hence curious.. amongst all this evidence, all this talk... what does Hybe regard inward her to live on shielding her similar this

9. [+17] She's really tainting the Army name... what a menace..

10. [+15] Don't ever telephone yell upwards yourself an NCT fan


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