Kyung Bok High Narrows Investigative Search Downward To Ii Students Who Harassed Aespa

Article: [Exclusive] Kyungbok High School nether assault for the 'sexual harassment of Aespa', ane pupil confirmed for posting inappropriately on SNS... some other pending graduate nether investigation

Source: Kyunghyang News via Naver

1. [+1,876, -233] Judging yesteryear the pictures posted, it wasn't simply those two... Why aren't to a greater extent than speaking upwards almost this? Like later on schoolhouse academies refusing credence for Kyungbok High School students? 

2. [+981, -16] Suspend them too brand certain it leaves a record. A high schoolhouse pupil should non hold out behaving this way.

3. [+670, -26] Investigate them too punish them yesteryear law. This is why kids similar them are called sexual predators inwards the making.

4. [+743, -449] Men these days are hopeless. They're all stuck inwards their echo sleeping room of manly someone alone communities too stimulate got no sentiment why something's wrong. They simply call out at yous if yous essay to tell them otherwise too plough a blind oculus to anything that doesn't adapt them.

5. [+95, -2] So funny how these pitiable cowards are besides scared to fifty-fifty await a daughter inwards the oculus inwards existent life but they'll state all this crap ane time they're online

6. [+76, -1] Lee Soo Man-ssi, if this is your alma mater, yous should hold out the ane going at that topographic point to sing for them yourself. Why are yous sending your idols there! We are good yesteryear the generation where yous tin fellowship your staff to a greater extent than or less to become grip your individual matters for you.

7. [+75, -2] To all of the Korean men maxim "that's simply how boys are", delight realize that yous are tainting your ain epitome too lowering your class. It's ridiculous to me that these kids volition larn away amongst volunteer service. 

8. [+59, -3] Just Korean men beingness Korean men

9. [+51, -1] Lee Soo Man should simply cutting the boundary at monetary donations. These girls went through the formal procedure of passing auditions to brand their debuts, it's totally backwards for him to hold out using them similar this for his ain personal matters. It's pitiful to intend that they were beingness forced to perform at a house similar this without whatsoever proper security. And yes, I sympathise that the students might've been excited over seeing celebrities but the students who chose to verbally harass them should hold out fully punished.

10. [+33, -2] Make certain this materials gets written downwards inwards their records, dingy kids

11. [+14, -1] What is SM's logic inwards fifty-fifty providing celebrities to the schoolhouse similar this?

12. [+12, -1] This isn't simply a thing of "internet culture", these guys volition never realize simply how abnormal they genuinely are. They're disgusting.


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