Aespa's Wintertime Spotted Amongst A Osculate Mark?

Video: Winter caught amongst a buss grade (exposed past times a fan)

Source: Sojang via YouTube

1. [+164] There are rumors going approximately that it's an NCT fellow member ㅜㅠ

2. [+277] Who is her immature homo that he's leaving marks similar this... how blessed

3. [+126] If she knew she had something similar that, at to the lowest degree endeavour to shroud it past times letting your pilus down. How much of an idiot does she htink of her fans in addition to staff to teach out it showing similar that?

4. [+203] With all this coming out, I'm genuinely curious who her immature homo is straight off ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ permit us know!!

5. [+141] I don't assist that she's dating but she's honestly earthworks her ain grave amongst these scandals now.. Winter-ya, y'all gotta know your limits

6. [+448] How difficult was he kissing her that fifty-fifty make-up can't shroud the buss mark..

7. [+272] But seeing equally how Winter was on her telephone the entire fourth dimension on 'The Manager', that way her boyfriend's doing zip at domicile equally good to live on able to accept in addition to thence much fourth dimension to chat dorsum in addition to forth

8. [+326] This is undeniable.. there's no argue at that spot should live on a bruise at that spot at all. Unless y'all desire to claim that it's dirt dorsum at that spot ㅜ

9. [+85] If a buss grade is that obvious, why didn't she only permit her pilus down, why necktie it upward at all..

10. [+97] Hard to shield this when nosotros all know that it's non slowly to teach bruised inwards that spot..

11. [+111] A daughter grouping fellow member amongst a buss mark...?!?;;;; does SM non assist most managing their idols anymore???

12. [+42] THat's an undeniable buss mark. I ever idea she'd live on the most placidity fellow member but she's genuinely the most problematic ㅎㅎ I wonder who her immature homo is, in addition to if she's dating inside the company

13. [+29] She may live on talented but she's pretty awful at taking assist of her image

14. [+164] I never liked her since her hamster in addition to truthful cat scandal..

15. [+50] Most of Aespa's fans are women anyway, I don't recollect a buss grade volition touching on them at all

16. [+46] ㅋㅋ Even non-celebrities seek to encompass upward their buss marks if they accept 1 showing similar this, she's an amateur;; she should've tried to encompass it more

17. [+91] Seems similar Winter likes showing off her human relationship ㅎ working difficult on her Katalk replies! working difficult on the kissing!;

18. [+26] Her immature homo is Jaehyun


Article: "Won't permit become of her telephone fifty-fifty spell going on stage" Winter's actions nether disputation on 'The Manager'

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+287] It's a type of multifariousness present that follows y'all approximately amongst cameras in addition to thence I empathise checking your telephone in addition to all but she's even in addition to thence technically existence filmed in addition to working to attain media for viewers to consume. I similar Aespa in addition to Winter's my favorite fellow member but I empathise why viewers works life this behaviour problematic. All of what they're maxim is right.

2. [+178] It doesn't experience correct to loathe on mortal only for existence on their telephone but I've genuinely never seen mortal checking their telephone in addition to thence blatantly similar this spell filming a reality program

3. [+130] She has a boyfriend

4. [+125] Funny how the same people criticizing her are the same people doing in addition to thence through their phones correct straight off ㅋㅋㅋㅋ celebrities are people, too.. they tin sack live on on their phones. It's non similar she was doing this spell sitting inwards a filming studio, what's amongst the hate?

5. [+132] Phone addiction is pretty mutual these days

6. [+58] Isn't this what all of our lives are similar though

7. [+14] So what is in addition to thence incorrect amongst this? It's non similar she checked her telephone inwards the middle of an interview or speak show, it's a multifariousness present that's meant to discovery her inwards her daily life..

8. [+17] Stop amongst the forced hate

9. [+4] I'm only similar her though in addition to thence I tin sack relate to her actions

10. [+2] Winter's got a immature homo ㅋㅋㅋ


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