Idol Turned Histrion Applauded For Turning Himself Inwards Upon Realizing His Part-Time Chore Is A Vocalisation Phishing Scam

Article: Famous idol turned histrion turns himself inwards for phonation phishing... why?

Source: Kukmin ilbo via Naver

1. [+1,644, -14] Good on him. Even if he didn't know, he knew to larn inwards correct i time he realized what he was doing was wrong. I intend it was rattling brave of him to plough himself in.

2. [+611, -12] It's as well as hence distressing that yous tin decease involved inwards criminal offense fifty-fifty when that wasn't your intention. It's actually skilful that he bravely turned himself in. For a celebrity to hold out looking upward part-time jobs similar this must hateful that he's struggling financially... what a distressing province of affairs all around.

3. [+509, -12] He has skilful character. He may hold out struggling directly exactly he righted a incorrect as well as hence I know he volition earn success inwards the future!! I back upward his life, as well as I hope to decease a fan.

4. [+328, -5] I'm certain at that topographic point are a lot of people who realize that what they're doing is a criminal offense exactly decease along doing it anyway. I know that life is tough for everyone... exactly at to the lowest degree he has plenty shame to plough himself in. I don't know who he is exactly I hope that he's able to decease successful plenty to tell this floor alongside a express mirth on a diversity exhibit i day. 

5. [+168, -15] He deserves an laurels for turning himself in. He likewise saved a potential victim to the scam.

6. [+52, -1] So he technically didn't practise anything incorrect since he turned himself inwards earlier he committed anything? He's to a greater extent than similar a reporter of a criminal offense than a criminal himself ㅎㅎ

7. [+37, -1] A celebrity means should sign him on! He's already proven skilful character.

8. [+26, -0] Even if he didn't know, he's nevertheless an accomplice to a crime... exactly I intend he deserves an laurels for saving someone from beingness scammed out of six 1000000 won if non for him turning himself in. 

9. [+26, -1] He should non hold out punished exactly awarded

10. [+15, -0] I don't know who he is exactly knowing this fact solitary makes me desire to decease a fan. Applause for his bravery!! Find forcefulness ^^

11. [+20, -4] FT Island member
- [+2] It's SS501


Source: Idol Issue via Instagram

1. [+278] Articles similar this e'er claim that the someone is a famous idol exactly when yous uncovering out who they are, they're normally a nugu

2. [+143] Good on him for turning himself in

3. [+135] When articles state "famous idol actor", people are normally able to discern who it is... exactly nosotros nevertheless don't know.....

4. [+26] So who is it

5. [+15] Good undertaking for turning himself in. And I intend it's non correct to divulge who he is anyway to protect everyone's privacy! 

6. [+24] I experience bad for him, it's obvious he didn't know what he was involved inwards until he received the coin as well as realized something was incorrect as well as hence he turned himself in.

7. [+2] Who is it!

8. [+7] So nugu?

9. [+6] Nugu?

10. [+4] I desire to know who it is


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