Song Ji Hyo Explains What Actually Happened Alongside Her Controversial Pilus Cut

Article: "Please don't loathe on my staff"... Song Ji Hyo claims to lead maintain cutting her ain pilus inward drunken stupor

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+223] Is she lying on purpose? Or is she non able to tell the truth because she genuinely felt embarrassed almost the pilus herself? ㅎㅎㅎ

2. [+140] Even when her pilus was trending for controversy, she claimed together with thus that she cutting it herself for a alter of mood ㅡㅡ people won't believe her no affair what she says

3. [+91] I mean, the betoken together with thus wasn't but the weird pilus cutting but the long history of her coordis dressing her inward weird styles together with pilus together with brand upward looks. People weren't but hating on her staff blindly...;;;;

4. [+162] The whole betoken of the arguing was that her coordi was terrible at her job. I genuinely recall Song Ji Hyo is but lying to comprehend for her. Even if Song Ji Hyo genuinely did "cut her pilus afterwards getting drunk", she should've taken her to her mind pilus salon together with gotten it styled better...

5. [+75] Her coordi did larn a lot of loathe for all the weird styles she position her in.. why non beak upward then? Why now?

6. [+57] I ever idea her curt pilus soundless looked skilful on her

7. [+26] Alcohol is ever the effect 😂 ㅋㅋ what a sorry but funny story

8. [+37] Why non tell this dorsum then? Why allow your pilus stylist larn all that loathe that whole fourth dimension entirely to beak upward almost it now..?

9. [+26] She's but likewise pretty no affair what she does

10. [+9] So are women non allowed to cutting their pilus withal they desire now? What's alongside all these controversies?

11. [+31] Why non tell this even dorsum when it happened? She stayed awfully tranquillity when the pitchforks were out...


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