Noze Shares A Handwritten Apology Missive Of The Alphabet Addressing Scandal

Article: Noze eventually apologizes 2 days afterwards sobbing over 'power abuse scandal', "I was non mature"

Source: Herald Economy via Naver

1. [+1,662, -9] Humble is something yous should strive to hold upwardly earlier yous larn into scandals. Whatever you're doing at nowadays is alone crocodile tears...

2. [+859, -80] She belike caught the princess illness amongst all the teen girls too girls inwards their twenties going crazy over her when she's non fifty-fifty that pretty

3. [+656, -5] And yet even too hence no apology to the actual CF fellowship themselves ㅋ non alone should she apologize to them but compensate them equally well. Also, don't possess got whatever to a greater extent than CF deals.

4. [+471, -16] I ever idea she was hyped beyond what she deserved. I recollect she left her crew behind to construct all the coin she could solo, too hence much too hence that it almost feels similar she used WAYB on 'Street Woman' Fighter'...? I felt bad for the other squad members.

5. [+194, -14] Noze = Nodap (hopeless)

6. [+133, -0] This wasn't but an number of abusing her power, she straight off upwardly scammed them. She got paid to advertise something too failed to do so, which makes her a scammer.

7. [+107, -0] I even too hence don't larn why she cried when the people who should've been crying are the marketing squad members who were belike caught inwards the middle too beingness berated yesteryear their boss every fourth dimension she ignored them. She improve pay dorsum that fellowship everything she was paid too never recollect of doing some other mention again.

8. [+106, -1] An apology's a practiced showtime but yous actually ask to refund the small-scale companies yous ripped off

9. [+75, -0] Just a affair of her truthful colors beingness exposed

10. [+55, -1] I ever idea she was pretty too sort but her truthful nature is that she wants to construct coin too doesn't desire to hold upwardly associated amongst lower brands... people obsessed amongst luxury brands ever larn themselves into trouble.


Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+849] Compensating the companies she ripped off should possess got priority over her reflecting over her actions... amongst marketing ads, timing is everything to the life of the product. There was no call for inwards her uploading the mention at the real terminate of their advertisement cycle... ㅠㅠ

2. [+337] Who is she addressing this apology to? Why is she apologizing to the public?

3. [+401] Hilarious

4. [+636] All she had to do was postal service her mention on the fourth dimension frame she promised; all of this became a occupation when she was paid to upload something she never did...

5. [+484] There's a clip of her at a 'Street Woman Fighter' going some too she totally doesn't larn why she's inwards trouble

6. [+253] She never would've apologized if this never made it to the news. If you're beingness paid to do something, do it. How dare yous recollect yous tin abuse your ability over someone?

7. [+274] I don't larn who she's apologizing to? The world or the fellowship she abused?

8. [+276] Her roots proceed running away from her...

9. [+319] This doesn't audio similar an apology. The fellowship should but possess got legal action.

10. [+582] And this is how scary a flash of abrupt fame tin be... she must've idea she was idol condition now?

11. [+331] Farewell

12. [+163] So sick of these "handwritten apology letters"... what pregnant do whatever of them possess got other than showing what your handwriting looks like

13. [+190] She's run yesteryear likewise total of herself for her ain good


Source: Wikitree via Instagram

1. [+118] Only apologizing at nowadays because she's scared she's going to lose her entire career...?

2. [+74] She doesn't seem lamentable at all... but knows that she'll run out of coin if she doesn't write this... 😂😂

3. [+84] This is why abrupt fame is too hence problematic... they all grab the star illness too run yesteryear blind to reality. She should know improve than this considering how hard of an chance she was given.

4. [+54] So where's the business office close how she's going to compensate the company? Or is this but some multi-apology she's hoping volition construct everything okay again?

5. [+96] You've been busy plenty lately cheers to 'Street Woman Fighter' but it's at nowadays fourth dimension to possess got a comfortable intermission


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