Noze Breaks Out Into Tears At 'Street Adult Woman Fighter' Over Sns Scandal

Video: Noze beingness cutting off past times 'Street Woman Fighter' dancers... the argue they were rock faced at her tears

Source: Issue Feed via YouTube

1. [+1,500] People didn't seat downwardly her hard work, they were but criticizing her lack of grapheme but she's crying over that ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+594] I intend that Noze is a skillful someone at ticker judging past times how the other dancers are consoling her too all but it's clear that she lost her means when she of a abrupt started gaining fame too earning a huge amount of coin off of it. It's unfortunate but I hope that this becomes an chance for her to acquire from. She needs to receive got a break, grab her breath, too await to a greater extent than or less at where she is. I hope she comes dorsum amongst a improve icon side past times side time.

3. [+552] There was never a minute where people didn't recognize her hard work. The best affair she could've done was to exactly acknowledge her error too apologize cook clean too fair. If she exactly cries virtually it similar this, it's going to entirely plow people off.

4. [+1,400] Her scandal wasn't exactly virtually "losing her roots". She was abusing her ability too condition over others. I honor her every bit a dancer but I don't intend she's going to construct some other career off of sponsorships again.

5. [+539] The means she's acting makes me intend she's despicable

6. [+401] Maybe because she's been coddled all her life for her pretty looks but she seems to intend that life volition continually hold out slow for her without 1 unmarried apology, every bit long every bit she keeps defending herself maxim she's a hard worker too cries on stage, that she'll hold out forgiven for it

7. [+71] I'm certain Noze learned from what she's been going through... I hope she matures every bit a someone out of all of this

8. [+136] No 1 e'er said that she isn't a hard worker. It's that she never 1 time apologized for the companies that had to endure losses for choosing to trust her every bit their model. Seeing her human activity similar this makes me desire to exactly cutting her off completely.

9. [+148] She tin flame vociferation virtually it all she wants, she even hence should've issued a proper apology. I don't intend she'd hold out getting all this loathe if she had fifty-fifty apologized through her tears correct then.

10. [+145] What does beingness a hard worker receive got anything to exercise amongst the fact that she abused her ability over others? I acquire that she worked hard every bit a dancer but why did you lot human activity the means you lot did to the sponsorship companies? No 1 has 1 time criticized Noze for non working hard.


Video: Noze sobs at 'Street Woman Fighter' concert later her scandal (what does hard operate receive got anything to exercise amongst the scandal?)

Source: TBig News via YouTube

1. [+101] You know who else worked hard? All of the people on the marketing squad for your sponsorship, too they had to vociferation likewise because of something out of their control. Can you lot imagine how much they must've been cornered past times their bosses? Especially during these hard times?

2. [+251] I don't intend she understands what she did incorrect or where things went incorrect for her. That's why she refuses to apologize aside from the 1 apology disputation on Instagram... No 1 e'er said anything virtually her operate ethic hence I don't know why she's randomly bringing that up...

3. [+200] Unni. The people who operate at the little companies that you lot ripped off were also hard workers. Do non elbow grease to gain faux sympathy past times acting every bit if you lot worked hard when that has aught to exercise amongst why you lot were criticized.

4. [+413] There is no 1 on this earth who doesn't operate hard. We are all working hard inward our ain ways.

5. [+257] Even if you lot earned your success through hard operate too non luck, that doesn't justify your abuse of those smaller than you

6. [+129] This is the absolute worst means she could've handled this. It makes me query her historic catamenia at all.

7. [+315] She should exactly hold out super honest, similar "yeah, I honey luxury brands, but I've learned from this scandal too I'll exercise improve inward the future". Dealing amongst it caput on would've been improve than acting similar this too getting to a greater extent than loathe for it... how unfortunate because I used to hold out a fan too

8. [+451] I intend influencers are hence far removed from reality... they don't empathise why the remainder of us usage workers were sympathizing hence hard amongst the marketing squad too feeling enraged on their behalf 😢

9. [+130] Does she non intend the marketing squad who hired her too had to hold off anxiously for her posts that never went upwards are hard workers too?

10. [+109] If operate ethic was the measure for whether you lot deserve honey or not... too hence at that spot are a mount of people who deserve to hold out inward your spot over you lot correct now. You were lucky that you lot gained the fame that you lot did because hard operate is non all that it takes to acquire to somewhere similar this. I don't experience bad for her at all.

11. [+93] Instead of crying too begging for sympathy, you lot should hold out offering a heartfelt apology! You are non the entirely hard worker inward this world. Everyone plant hard to alive their lives.

12. [+48] Standard event of trying to alter the focus of a scandal ㅋㅋ what does hard operate receive got to exercise amongst her abusing her power? If she was really sorry, she would've apologized too worked out ways to properly compensate the companies, every bit good every bit hope that this volition never again. Why vociferation tears?

13. [+137] I idea she'd vociferation too and hence hold out similar "I'm sorry, I'll popular off dorsum to my roots" but she was entirely crying to justify her actions because she worked hard all her life..

14. [+174] And 1 time she realizes she's non getting sympathy for this, she's going to starting fourth dimension threatening lawsuits against her haters. I don't know that crying volition solve anything these days.

15. [+127] She has no intention of making the province of affairs right. She's exactly mad too wound that a minority of haters are using this scandal to claim she's non a hard worker. For such a sensitive person, why did she human activity the means she did to the little companies? I hope to never meet her on TV again.


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