Who Could Live On Behind Winter's Mysterious Shout Out Upward Usage?

Video: Aespa Winter's boyfriend

Source: Sojang via YouTube

1. [+344] TMI) Winter i time wrote a missive of the alphabet to Kim Heechul proverb "We similar Heechul oppa then much too!!♥︎♥︎" I promise that it's purely out of fangirl feelings ㅜ

2. [+192] It hasn't fifty-fifty been 3 amount years since their debut, why commencement dating already... dating's non a bad affair but if y'all worked then difficult to accomplish your dream as well as in conclusion debut, shouldn't y'all last working difficult to cash inwards one's chips to a greater extent than successful? Doing your best for your fans?

3. [+133] Ah ㅠ non Kim Heechul... that historic catamenia gap. I promise he's only looking out for her every bit a junior.

4. [+379] I don't assist if she's inwards a human relationship but if she's inwards front end of her fans, she should last focusing on them. It's incorrect of her to remain on her phone. These fans came out to run across her inwards the heat, she shouldn't process them similar that ㅠㅠ It's non similar the other members don't desire to last on their phones too

5. [+156] I intend Kim Heechul's only a fan... similar someone who wants to protect her every bit a fellow lablmate ^^ Jaehyun's likely to a greater extent than probable to last someone who tin larn out osculation marks on her cervix as well as such..

6. [+253] I don't assist close the dating. But I'll acknowledge I lost observe for her subsequently seeing her lazily give a moving ridge to her fans because she was then busy on her phone. I know people are ever similar "idols are human, too" but idols are alone able to larn to where they are because of their fans. You request to brand at to the lowest degree an endeavor to cover these things from them... as well as if this is also difficult for y'all to do, possibly consider a dissimilar career. It's a basic grade of manners as well as consideration.

7. [+323] Kim Heechul as well as Momo were then obvious together that people genuinely idea the contrary as well as figured they weren't genuinely together... if this is all true, I wonder why he's then into dating girls quondam plenty to last his niece

8. [+64] I'm honestly against people criticizing celebrities getting into relationships because it's such a basic human emotion, why should nosotros aspect them to concur back? But this example is a fleck different. She's ever on her band inwards of import spaces alongside her fans, never sending them whatever Bubbles... I tin run across why her fans are mad. She crossed the work alongside her behavior.

9. [+283] The xviii yr historic catamenia gap alongside Heechul is agency also much. She's a perfect gibe alongside NCT's Jaehyun.

10. [+143] I'd rather she only last dating Jaehyun... Kim Heechul is such an... ajusshi

11. [+242] Please only engagement a fellow idol your historic catamenia than someone inwards their forties ㅠㅠ don't engagement quondam ajusshis ㅠㅠ

12. [+25] Momo never went roughly alongside osculation marks or anything... I experience similar the rumors close Jaehyun beingness the beau brand to a greater extent than sense

13. [+267] Even if it's Kim Heechul... the fact that it's a xl yr quondam ajusshi dating a 21 yr old... ㅠ she's quondam plenty to last his daughter.... sigh

14. [+65] I'm seriously then curious to run across who it is though ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

15. [+135] Winter could totally engagement a transcend grade manlike individual idol closer to her age, to a greater extent than handsome than an quondam ajusshi similar Kim Heechul

16. [+24] Come on, Kim Heechul would never larn out a osculation grade on Winter ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ it's 100% Jaehyun

17. [+35] I'm to a greater extent than inclined to believe that it's the niece-age obsessed Kim Heechul who's her boyfriend. He sent a selca on Bubble of late alongside pictures he took of Aespa as well as he chose the i that wasn't a grouping motion painting but only alongside Winter as well as Ningning, as well as of course of written report Winter was the i closest to him ㅋㅋ

18. [+57] It's totally Kim Heechul. It's slow for men similar him to seduce immature as well as naive girls similar Winter when he's then much to a greater extent than senior than her.

19. [+34] Please only engagement someone your ain historic catamenia rather than an quondam grandpa... 😢

20. [+41] Kim Heechul genuinely has a type, as well as he's consistent alongside it

21. [+35] If this is true, Kim Heechul improve commencement getting create for handcuffs

22. [+28] The fact that he dated Momo makes me to a greater extent than inclined to believe that it's Kim Heechul


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