Fans Concerned For Itzy Yuna's Health

Article: Skinny rib cage... idol member's wellness looks to live on inward a critical state

Source: Fastview Korea via Instagram + TBig News via YouTube

1. [+332] Some commenters don't seem to realize that maxim someone looks similar a starved kid is rude... Yes, she's extremely thin, but I intend the lighting of the film is making it await to a greater extent than pronounced

2. [+73] Idols await cutest to me when they lead hold a decent total of weight to them in addition to seem healthy

3. [+51] Whether Yuna has gained or lost weight, I only desire her to live on salubrious in addition to happy ㅠㅠ

4. [+49] I heard idols purposely keep a thinner weight because if they weighed every bit much every bit the average person, their dancing doesn't await every bit practiced every bit when they lead hold lean limbs. I do, however, intend she has gone a flake besides far. I'm certain people who lead hold dieted earlier volition relate but there's a time period to diets in addition to it commonly only takes 1 cheat hateful solar daytime for all this operate to become downwardly the drain then closed to volition lead to only become all out when they're inward the time period of losing weight. I intend that's why she may lead hold gone downwardly then far inward weight. I'm worried because it's evidently non practiced for her health...

5. [+49] Well.. sure... she's allowed to create what she wants, but people should live on stopping her if it's affecting her health. Why create you lot intend at that topographic point are intervention for anorexic patients? Because it's a threat to their life. Anyone who's dieted volition know that only unproblematic dieting in addition to exercise volition non larn you lot downwardly to this depression of a weight. She's either starving herself or ill, in addition to peradventure fifty-fifty suffering from a loss of appetite from stress. She's inward a career that requires a lot of physical activity, who knows when she mightiness overstep out next..

6. [+46] Her rib cage is a flake gross to see, they should halt putting her inward crop tops or feed her to a greater extent than ㅎㅎ

7. [+31] Even sparse people alive lives only fine. They all eat, poop, in addition to sleep. If she wants to live on this way, nosotros shouldn't worry. It's only a thing of whether she's beingness forced to keep this weight or not.

8. [+53] Remember when Taeyeon said that people volition selection on you lot if you're besides sparse in addition to soundless selection on you lot if you lot hit weight... If you're genuinely worried nearly her, only locomote on it to yourself

9. [+38] Hul.. she's a skeleton

10. [+14] I empathise that it's amend to live on sparse image-wise but she should soundless accept assist of her wellness ㅠ

11. [+14] Unless she's competing to live on inward closed to wonders of the human trunk competition... she should hit at to the lowest degree five kg more...

12. [+18] Yuna volition handgrip her weight then delight don't lecture her in addition to exit her alone

13. [+17] This isn't nearly netizens hating on someone for gaining or losing weight, this only doesn't await normal at all. She seriously looks anorexic. Someone delight feed her ㅠ

14. [+22] I saw the fancam in addition to she looks skinnier because of the lighting. She looks salubrious in addition to sparse inward a pretty agency otherwise.
- [+19] She does non await salubrious at all, she's only all bones

15. [+14] She looks similar she lost weight from starving... Idols require to operate on musculus musical note then that they tin give notice larn their metabolism upwards in addition to live on able to swallow more

16. [+9] No to a greater extent than dieting... Yuna looks prettier amongst to a greater extent than weight on her. Though she's soundless pretty now..

17. [+15] Sandara's famous for eating really petty then if Yuna's fifty-fifty thinner than Sandara, only how petty does she eat

18. [+2] I tin give notice empathise why fans are worried, of course of written report they are;;; in addition to it's non salubrious for images similar her to live on exposed to immature children inward the media. It'll only encourage eating disorders inward the youth to larn every bit skinny every bit her. This is a bigger employment inward the long run. Agencies require to intend nearly the implications of forcing their idols to starve, exposing them to the media, in addition to the final result that volition lead hold on the public.


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