Viviz Wears Hanbok To Perform At The Grammys

Article: Viviz wears hanbok to their Grammy stage

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+453] Their outfits were created yesteryear a Korean designer. Stage outfits are costume-like yesteryear design, moreso since these were produced for their specific choreography in addition to concept! It may non fit what you lot imagine a hanbok to traditionally expect but it is yet a modified version alongside hanbok characteristics. It's a meaningful in addition to brave phase yesteryear them in addition to thus delight demo them your support. Girlfriend, Viviz fighting! 💜

2. [+556] What's alongside the comments; it's non similar the singers themselves designed the hanbok. I genuinely retrieve it would've been awkward to trip the lite fantastic inward if they had kept the master pattern of the hanbok. Whatever the case, why all the hate? Some of you lot are making something controversial that shouldn't be.

3. [+201] People had no occupation when Black Pink wore it, jeez...

4. [+266] I saw an interview on some other demo yesteryear the designer where they said they wanted to pattern a fusion agency inward a agency that appealed to a greater extent than to the younger generation. Admittedly, a regular hanbok is a flake daunting for younger people to wear, in addition to they desire to pattern a diverseness of hanboks that check the changing times.

5. [+125] Leesle is known for designing hanboks to article of apparel inward every twenty-four hours life, in addition to this was designed yesteryear them every bit well. The designer had a curt total of fourth dimension to pattern something in addition to thus beautiful. A lot of other singers cause got worn variations of the hanbok on phase but I don't retrieve whatever were met alongside such a negative answer such every bit this.. in addition to thus I don't know why people cause got to last in addition to thus intend ㅎㅎ These were outfits created specifically for the phase featuring characteristics of the hanbok. Please become banking firm check out Leesle's Instagram in addition to accept a expect at their pattern process.

6. [+88] I honey how it's normally the people who never cared nearly hanbok inward the source house who come upward inward to these threads in addition to run their big mouths whining nearly traditional this, traditional that. If you're in addition to thus worried nearly the traditional aspects of our hanbok, why don't you lot article of apparel it but about yourself?

7. [+93] No i cared when other idols wore fusion hanboks in addition to thus why now...? There are tons of other groups who cause got worn fifty-fifty to a greater extent than edited versions of the hanbok in addition to thus what's alongside all these comments telling Viviz that they expect Chinese, that these aren't hanboks... They wore traditional hanboks for their 'Sunrise' fan signing which the hanboks looked neat when they performed since it's a to a greater extent than eastern vocal but 'Bop Bop' has a faster tempo alongside to a greater extent than choreography in addition to thus it makes feel to become alongside a fusion version of the hanbok that lets them motion but about more...

8. [+3] I idea they looked great, what's alongside the hate...

9. [+1] Wait wait, why are people hating ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+7] I don't know that I'd necessarily catch this a hanbok though ㅜㅜ

11. [+33] The dresses expect to a greater extent than Chinese to me...;;

12. [+7] Sigh ㅠㅠ it's a shame, I don't genuinely larn the hanbok experience from it ㅜㅜ

13. [+39] I don't know who Viviz is but I don't know that I'd catch their dresses a hanbok either... looks closer to something out of a Chinese fantasy movie. If they desire to spread awareness nearly the hanbok, practise it correct 🔥

14. [+6] Who would retrieve this looks similar a hanbok??

15. [+21] The comments are existence weird... why would you lot article of apparel a total traditional hanbok to perform 'Bop Bop' in, it'd expect in addition to thus weird... apparently their hanbok was designed inward a agency to permit them trip the lite fantastic freely on stage, it's unfair to gauge their outfits against traditional hanbok dresses...


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