Rapper Choi Ha Instant Claims He Was Inwards Bodily Hurting When He Committed His Crime

Article: Rapper Choi Ha Min admits to sexually harassing a nine twelvemonth onetime boy... "I did it because I was physically ill"

Source: Newsis via Naver

1. [+2,790, -9] So if you're physically hurting... yous simply become together with commit sexual harassment...?

2. [+579, -10] Your trunk was hurting? What is this crap? Just acknowledge you're mentally sick together with no ameliorate than a domestic dog inwards heat...

3. [+386, -24] Nope, no excuses for this pedophile! 

4. [+276, -2] It's because of people similar him who blame mental wellness issues for all of their crimes that people who are genuinely suffering from mental wellness issues larn a bad rep... You'll destination upwardly harming people who genuinely necessitate aid but are besides afraid to essay aid from clinics because of the social stigma that criminals similar yous foster. People similar him should never last able to role mental wellness every bit an excuse for their crimes.

5. [+142, -6] Ah... I did non know that sexual harassment was allowed every bit long every bit you're hurting

6. [+62, -1] We genuinely necessitate to disallow "mental together with physical weakness" every bit an excuse for crimes

7. [+39, -3] Whatever the case, his life every bit a rapper or world figure is basically over...

8. [+29, -2] So he's admitting he's a pedophile

9. [+19, -3] So difficult to encounter normal people inwards the rapper world

10. [+16, -1] Castration is the exclusively solution

11. [+10, -0] Well it seems you're going to last pain for a rattling long fourth dimension then possibly it's ameliorate that yous rest inwards jail together with never come upwardly out...

12. [+9, -1] 'High School Rapper' needs to last taken down. They accept kids amongst trash characters together with compass them air fourth dimension chance ㅋㅋ

13. [+9, -1] So he's a gay pedophile? What does that receive got to create amongst his trunk physically hurting??? 

14. [+7, -1] And what's this charge of bullsh*t?

15. [+3, -0] I don't know that he genuinely intended to commit sexual harassment.. but I'm deeply concerned well-nigh his mental wellness ㅠ did he interruption his encephalon from doing difficult drugs? He seemed similar such an upright nipper before, how did this move on to him ㅠ

16. [+3, -0] He was physically pain ㅋㅋㅋ it would've been to a greater extent than believable for him to simply tell he was drunk.

17. [+3, -0] You did non commit a pedo human activity because yous were hurting, yous committed that because you're simply a slice of trash

18. [+3, -0] This is in all likelihood the most ridiculous excuse I've heard all year


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