Sm Tried To Shape Rookies' Eunsuk 4 Times Earlier Succeeding

Article: SM tried to street variety Rookies' Eunsuk iv times

Source: Idol Issue via Instagram

1. [+610] As long equally he's non joining NCT, it's fine. Please uncovering success inward roughly other direction !!! Fighting

2. [+442] Just brand certain you lot debut inward roughly other amazing grouping instead of NCT..!! Please, please, please, please...

3. [+205] Sigh... for sure you're non joining NCT, right..?

4. [+180] Please, only non NCT..

5. [+286] As long equally he's non joining NCT. I know people who aren't inward the fandom are belike wondering why we're beingness similar this but nosotros fans are angry because SM isn't fifty-fifty taking assist of the members that nosotros already accept spell continuously adding to a greater extent than as well as more. Sungchan as well as Taro joined inward 2020 which makes them 2 years into their debut but they've barely had to a greater extent than than a calendar month of promos all combined. That's why we're as well as then against novel members.

6. [+29] As long equally he's non NCT

7. [+18] He wants to last an component instrumentalist as well as then Lee Soo Man amend non stick him inward NCT for no reason..

8. [+17] I volition back upward anything he does equally long equally it's non NCT

9. [+10] Please, equally long equally it's non our NCT.. please, I'll pray alongside both my hands as well as feet...

10. [+10] He's pretty handsome inward his graduation photo. Not certain why people are beingness similar this to him. So hateful to soul who hasn't fifty-fifty debuted yet, no..?


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