Sm Rookies Goeun's Jessica-Like Visuals Inwards A Mv?

Pann: SM Rookies Goeun's appearance inward a MV

1. [+93, -9] She looks to a greater extent than similar Yuju than Jessica.

2. [+90, -13] She must last extremely talented.

3. [+76, -29] Um... She's a big no.

4. [+27, -3] She looks rather unique than pretty.

5. [+23, -10] Hul, she actually looks similar Jessica ㅋㅋㅋㅋ SM must've intended it.

6. [+22, -10] She's together with thence pretty though?

7. [+21, -1] She looks a fleck similar Seulgi.

8. [+19, -4] She looks proficient amongst brusk pilus precisely she's prettier amongst long hair.

9. [+19, -0] I run across a fleck of GFriend Yuju.

10. [+19, -6] Pretty.

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