Lovelyz's Comeback Teasers

Pann: Lovelyz is having a comeback!

1. [+65, -9] Lovelyz has their unique vibe. Even their upbeat songs pick out this sorrowfulness... It gets mixed opinions only I similar it. I'm excited for them.

2. [+54, -6] I similar all of Lovelyz's songs. I'm anticipating their comeback!!

3. [+50, -7] Wow it's true! The teasers brand me excited! I'll brand certain to heed to them!

4. [+21, -2] Huh? Their comeback is quick this time. I'm a non-fan only Lovelyz ever brings neat songs. I ever depository fiscal establishment tally them out every bit presently every bit they become released! Their novel teasers are in i lawsuit to a greater extent than amount of dreamy vibes. I can't wait!

5. [+20, -2] They're pretty. Looking forrard to them!

6. [+13, -1] Oh, the teasers are cute.

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