[Abnormal Elevation E147] Us Airdrome Immigration, Incheon Airport, Gugudan

Article: 'Abnormal Summit' Jun Hyun Moo, "I was interviewed privately when going through immigration at LA airport"

Source: Xports News via Naver

"I told the examiner that I came to the the United States to see my friend. They asked me why I was alone staying for ii days. I asked dorsum why I shouldn't. They asked why I came all the agency to the the United States only to come across my friend for ii days. I said it's my privacy in addition to they took me to an purpose for an additional interview."

1. [+372, -11] Our province should also prohibit a foreigner from entering if they don't response the questions properly.

2. [+30, -5] I wanted to enquire dorsum my examiner why his human face upwards looked similar that.

3. [+26, -2] The immigration is hence scary. "Why are you lot here, what's your job, what are you lot gonna do, where are you lot gonna stay, where volition you lot go..." If they uncovering a flaw, you'll endure examined to the core.

4. [+15, -17] Immigration at American airports is known to endure actually strict. Here's a tip when you're trying to larn into the province every bit a immature adult woman - only endure ugly. I wore null makeup in addition to gave upwards looking pretty because the bird is uncomfortable. They only asked me when I was going to larn out in addition to why I was there. I was in addition to then admitted correct away... It happened at both Seattle in addition to LA airports. The adult woman who sat inwards front end of me started putting on makeup when the bird was landing in addition to she was taken away at immigration... The solution is to exhibit upwards amongst your bare face.

5. [+13, -2] I can't speak English linguistic communication but I had no problem entering the the United States lone afterwards a few questions... My friend who was waiting at the airdrome to alternative me upwards was shocked that I entered hence easily. The daughter inwards front end of me who was a ballerina in addition to to a greater extent than or less ajussi couldn't larn through in addition to they talked on the telephone desperately. I intend you lot also receive got to endure lucky.

6. [+12, -18] Young Korean women are interviewed extremely strictly... I saw the questions they were asked in addition to I was shocked because it seemed to endure because hence many women came to the the United States to endure prostitutes...

Article: 'Abnormal' Incheon airdrome ranks #3 every bit the best airdrome inwards the basis and #1 for 12 years forthwith on services

Source: Herald Pop via Naver

1. [+2717, -81] The fantabulous service is from underpaid cleaners, unofficial workers, in addition to overworked safety staff. It's the consequence of the tears of the task workers.

2. [+1248, -33] Kya, every bit expected, our province likes to larn things done quickly. No wonder why we're #3.

3. [+1124, -42] The airdrome is slap-up indeed.

4. [+766, -24] It's a adept airport.

5. [+774, -46] An airdrome worth showing off to the basis ^^

Article: 'Abnormal Summit' Gugudan, idols' lack of slumber that worries uncle fans

Source: TV Report via Naver

1. [+539, -37] Health comes first...

2. [+409, -51] Kim Sejeong hwaiting!!! Pretty daughter <3

3. [+353, -43] Take attention of you lot wellness first, Gyudan.

4. [+313, -36] Gyudan girls worked difficult ㅠㅠ I intend they're on a vacation. Have a prophylactic trip ㅠㅠ

5. [+299, -36] It's non slow to promote in addition to taking attention of wellness at the same fourth dimension but I promise they exercise <3 Sejeong in addition to Gyudan.

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