Netflix's Star-Studded 'Narco-Saints' Debuts To Polarizing Reviews

Article: Will 'Narco-Saints' acquire the side past times side 'Squid Game'? 

Source: Han via Naver

1. [+853, -56] I idea it was fun

2. [+346, -19] Finding a drama serial fun or non is a personal decision... but I idea it was fun. The cast showed dandy acting skills, as well as Jo Woo Jin particularly caught my attending ㅎ I mean value equally viewers, our standards convey gotten a lot higher as well as it's dandy to run into drama producers proceed to ameliorate as well as alive upwards to those standards...

3. [+288, -47] I experience similar the drama lacked the details to supplement Ha Jung Woo's grapheme as well as his beginning story, why he's willing to peril his life as well as acquire viewers on board amongst his plight

4. [+180, -22] It's dandy to scout if you lot convey approximately fourth dimension to kill

5. [+200, -72] Feels similar a rip-off of 'Narcos'. Hwang Jung Min's acting is just the same equally 'New World' as well as 'Asura' ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+59, -7] Westerners are already used to high character industrial plant similar 'Breaking Bad' as well as 'Ozark' hence they would never experience drawn to a lesser version of those industrial plant similar this. It's gaining approximately involvement inwards Korea because of the big names similar Ha Jung Woo as well as Hwang Jung Min but I mean value the director's lack of science is showing inwards the agency that they're non able to prepare Ha Jung Woo's grapheme inwards a believable manner, which volition inevitably displace viewers to lose interest. It's basically a B-list criminal offence serial that's worth watching if you lot convey fourth dimension to kill.

7. [+47, -1] Jo Woo Jin's acting is great... Hwang Jung Min, well, he's e'er been acting these characters..

8. [+36, -0] Jo Woo Jin deserves the attention!!! I was hence surprised past times his acting...

9. [+31, -2] I stayed upwards all nighttime watching it... all seven hours ㅎ

10. [+29, -2] It's a 6 role serial hence I idea they wouldn't endure able to hold upwards the tension but it's pretty fun to watch

11. [+25, -1] I watched it all inwards 1 go.. it was good. Jo Woo Jin's acting particularly was the best. Hwang Jung Min as well as Ha Jung Woo delivered equally they normally hit but Jo Woo Jin was merely hence skillful correct off the bat as well as plainly thoroughly understood his character. That final scene where he's fighting a Black individual was hence crazy amongst how his appear upwards was swelling cherry-red as well as you lot could run into his blood vessels popping out of his face. I brutal inwards dear amongst how genuine the actors seemed to endure nearly their craft. Some of these A-list stars ask to larn from him.

12. [+15, -1] The drama made me query Ha Jung Woo's acting skills. He brushed away a tear that didn't be when his friend died, hence randomly had a modify of grapheme without whatever argue or explanation. It felt similar a completely dissimilar character. As for Hwang Jung Min, his acting hasn't changed much through 'New World' as well as 'Asura'. It all kept making me compare it to 'Breaking Bad' as well as the detailed ways that serial was able to brand you lot mean value nearly life because of how dandy all of thea ctors were. I promise our province is able to prepare to a greater extent than serial as well as dramas that don't rely hence much on daze factors but on actual acting. Oh yeah, I hit convey to indicate out that Jo Woo Jin's acting shined brilliant inwards this.

13. [+16, -3] I idea it was good, what's amongst the comments?

14. [+10, -1] Seems similar reactions are actually polarized. You either dear it or you lot abhor it. I personally enjoyed it.

15. [+8, -0] I saw it as well as it's the perfect serial to kill approximately fourth dimension amongst over a vacation break... goose egg that's similar super daebak or anything. The floor could utilization approximately operate ㅎㅎ as well as it was funny how these druglords were hence easily played past times a regular dude similar Ha Jung Woo ㅋㅋ


Article: Netflix's anticipated Korean 'Narco-Saints' series, global #8 merely ii days later release

Source: SBS via Naver

1. [+488, -12] I enjoyed it for the outset fourth dimension inwards a while

2. [+314, -11] Jo Woo Jin's acting was incredible. The other actors delivered equally they normally hit amongst the same characters they normally play but Jo Woo Jin's acting was on approximately other score ㅋㅋ

3. [+134, -14] I enjoyed it to a greater extent than than the 'Squid Game'

4. [+105, -4] It's alone 6 episodes hence it was perfect to binge over the vacation break. It was rattling enjoyable.

5. [+39, -1] Jo Woo Jin's acting showed such dandy depth. This was his best surgical physical care for of his career.


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