Lee Jin Hyuk Criticized For Finger Snapping At Wendy On Radio

Video: Junior idol Lee Jin Hyuk nether tilt for finger snapping at Red Velvet's Wendy on radio

Source: TBig News via YouTube

1. [+105] He was the triple combo of rudeness hither past times cutting her off + failing to read the room + existence rude to her. Finger snapping at someone is considered rude inwards Korea but fifty-fifty moreso to foreigners. Wendy's from Canada thence I can't imagine how annoyed she was past times this ㅋㅋ too furthermore, Wendy is his senior inwards the manufacture too older than him too

2. [+121] So who is Lee Jin Hyuk? 

3. [+44] What's incorrect amongst him? How rude...

4. [+16] Wendy has a full golden retriever personality

5. [+33] To others, it mightiness simply look similar playful bickering, but it wasn't simply this finger snap that people felt set off by. He kept pointing at her land explaining things too pushing her on questions she had already explained. It was a diversity of rude behaviour that people didn't like... too personally, I don't intend it was appropriate for a invitee to send similar this to a DJ.

6. [+30] It's obvious that Wendy the DJ was trying to motility things along but he kept cutting her off amongst random things similar "your eyes are dozing off", "your eyelids are shaking, you lot require magnesium", thence finger snapping at her face, telling her that her eyes expect puffy... why was he thence hung upwardly on that? Just rude too non funny at all...

7. [+29] It's super rude to telephone outcry upwardly someone past times finger snapping at them inwards western culture, he's crazy ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+20] It'd move dissimilar if they were labelmates who you lot know are closed off photographic tv set camera but for such a huge debut gap to move acting similar this to a senior... Did he intend he could larn away amongst it because she's thence kind?? ㅡㅡ How dare he...

9. [+27] He's similar Fromis 9's Jisun, rude too pathetic character... why deed similar this to Wendy? He was fifty-fifty playing uncomfortable jokes on her too.

10. [+8] He shouldn't move finger snapping at anyone, fifty-fifty if Wendy is his junior

11. [+13] Lee Jin Hyuk... I could never warm upwardly to the dude

12. [+11] Fromis 9's pump did this too

13. [+14] So who is Lee Jin Hyuk too who is Up10tion ㅋㅋㅋ who is this nugu

14. [+14] Isn't he that disgustingly untalented pocket-size fry from 'Produce X'?

15. [+3] This is rude. No affair how closed you lot are, what sort of a junior dares to finger snap at an older senior??


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