Nmixx Fans Annoyed Amongst Novel Teaser Photos Forcing Cool-Tones Across All Members

Video: Fans are pissed off at NMIXX's novel teaser photos, mismatch tones for Sullyoon's visuals

Source: Issue Feed via YouTube

'tone-aggro' = brand up/styling colors that don't check one's personal color grading

1. [+638] Even if the photos are tone-aggro, you lot convey to acknowledge that she's damn gorgeous..

2. [+199] Honestly, her pictures don't demonstrate her beauty but she's yet only equally pretty

3. [+180] She's in addition to then damn pretty that she manages to line fifty-fifty this off

4. [+115] Honestly, I did expose that she's definitely a warm musical note but fifty-fifty amongst the tone-aggro, she yet looks gorgeous

5. [+107] Even amongst the tone-aggro, she looks pretty, in addition to you lot convey to acknowledge that

6. [+140] I recollect at that spot was a lot of utter most IVE's brand upwards when teasers for their album came out but eventually everyone came unopen to because they're gorgeous... in all likelihood going to move the same province of affairs for NMIXX. They're gorgeous, afterward all..

7. [+62] This doesn't experience controversial, she's only gorgeous

8. [+81] Sigh... Why clothing such talented in addition to pretty kids similar this? ㅠㅠㅠ

9. [+44] Hmm...? Am I the solely i who thinks she yet pulls off the tone-aggro? She looks pretty to me..

10. [+14] It's crazy how much of a vibe alter unlike brand upwards tin give

11. [+22] But it plant out because she's pretty ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

12. [+1] JYP actually thinks he has some undeniable feel for these things but he fails to realize that the manufacture sees his ideas equally tacky in addition to outdated

13. [+8] Didn't fifty-fifty realize that was Sullyoon.. laissez passer dorsum Sullyoon ㅠㅠ

14. [+20] They await gorgeous in i trial to a greater extent than but... their concept does experience similar a mismatch

15. [+20] It's fine because they're pretty yet but if their novel vocal is some random nonsense similar bala bala bukibiki or whatever, I'm going to flaming whoever's responsible

16. [+10] It does await bad ㅜㅜ how is this the best you lot tin create amongst a beauty similar Sullyoon ㅡㅡ


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