Sungkyunkwan Aims To Standardize The Traditional Chuseok Feast Simply Newer Generations Are Done Alongside Outdated Patriarchal Customs

Article: "Jeon is no longer needed for a Chuseok table" Sungkyunkwan releases novel criterion for the Chuseok feast table

Source: Everyday Economy via Naver

1. [+595, -9] It's hard to modify the heed of elders who mean value that a Chuseok tabular array needs to survive brimming amongst nutrient to the indicate of its legs breaking. Please spread this tidings far together with broad on TV together with tidings channels everywhere

2. [+359, -4] Please written report this every unmarried solar daytime on the ix am news. I desire my woman nurture to encounter this.

3. [+308, -9] I mean value people simply halt upwardly frying 'jeon' since everyone's gathered anyway together with yous bespeak to a greater extent than nutrient on the tabular array anyway ㅠㅠ delight instruct rid of this outdated Chuseok culture. Let's simply instruct inwards i nighttime that families assemble to hang out ㅠㅠ the media tin survive the start pace inwards a novel direction.

4. [+188, -3] Holidays similar Chuseok should simply survive a unproblematic solar daytime where families instruct together at a squeamish eating seat for i night. It's means besides much to survive expected to assemble at someone's occupation solid for days on end... together with it e'er requires the thankless sacrifice of i menage unit of measurement fellow member to instruct inwards all hap ㅠㅠ

5. [+65, -0] I loathe that all of these customs are decided yesteryear people who don't ever receive got to gear upwardly or gear upwardly these customs. The exclusively people who receive got a tell should survive the daughter-in-laws who produce all the heavy work.

6. [+60, -2] Just instruct rid of the custom of a Chuseok feast altogether

7. [+38, -0] Honoring our ancestors is a fine tradition together with all... but why is all of the travel seat on the daughter-in-laws who receive got no ties to said ancestors? Let's simply allow all people pass fourth dimension amongst their ain families together with leave of absence everyone lone

8. [+38, -1] Forget these "official" rules together with customs. Every menage unit of measurement should simply survive allowed to brand upwardly their ain rules. You don't receive got to laid upwardly a sum tabular array if yous don't desire to. Maybe fruits together with rice cakes are all yous want.


Article: "Enough amongst the Chuseok feasts" married adult woman inwards her sixties threatens hubby amongst knife over burden

Source: Everyday Economy via Nate

1. [+4,098, -152] Her method of expressing her anger may receive got been incorrect but I completely sympathise how she must've been feeling. When I'm frying 'jeon', I, too, wonder what I'm doing all this for. All this travel for the jeon to halt upwardly mutual frigidity yesteryear the fourth dimension it hits the table, together with no i wants to accept it abode for leftovers either.

2. [+3,526, -154] Just instruct rid of all these customs together with traditions. It's backwards together with outdated together with people should halt marrying into families that uphold such conservative mindsets. 

3. [+3,276, -93] These holidays are never close cooking plenty to consume but an over-abundance that ends upwardly rotting away inwards your freezer earlier existence thrown out. It's a waste.

4. [+273, -6] The affair close these Chuseok feasts is that it's never a grouping effort. It's e'er i elderly grandma who has to produce all of the grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, for decades on end...

5. [+247, -6] The people who desire these tables should survive the ones to gear upwardly together with produce the work!

6. [+234, -6] I wasn't aware of these issues equally a shaver but directly that I'm older together with receive got my ain family, I realize that these customs are goose egg but forcing my mother, my wife, together with directly my missy to suffer.. I've noticed that it's also e'er the uneducated classes that obsess over these ancestral tables.

7. [+199, -5] Let's all simply focus on the living together with survive skillful to them first!

8. [+174, -6] What I can't stand upwardly close men is that they don't elevator a finger when it comes to cooking all this but they're to a greater extent than than happy to consume together with charge per unit of measurement the nutrient together with instruct mad at yous when yous advise catering instead.

9. [+159, -2] The grandma was incorrect to threaten her hubby amongst a knife but I sympathise where she's coming from. She's spent xxx years of her life putting together these Chuseok tables, I can't imagine how hard it must've been.

10. [+99, -2] We bespeak to instruct rid of these vacation customs sum stop. Every unmarried i of these holidays ends upwardly amongst tidings articles close families murdering each other or couples ending upwardly inwards divorce. These customs serve no skillful inwards the end.

11. [+94, -4] I mean value these vacation customs are becoming an consequence inwards lodge peculiarly because of lower nativity rates equally well. All of these holidays instigate dyad fights together with rise divorce rates. Let's delight instruct rid of these outdated customs.

12. [+91, -2] It's a squeamish affair to honor your ancestors amongst these feasts but there's no indicate inwards making the living endure for them. 

13. [+83, -4] I mean value mothers bespeak to survive stronger inwards their resolve equally well. They e'er verbalize close how hard it is but they're together with hence used to tradition that they simply mean value it's the lot they've been dealt amongst inwards life together with travel out along upholding these traditions twelvemonth later twelvemonth without the resolve to simply stop.


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