Hollywood: Leonardo Dicaprio

Article: "Breaks upward every bit presently every bit girlfriends plow 25" Male star inward his forties spotted alongside 22 twelvemonth onetime on yacht

Source: The Joongang via Naver

1. [+1,199, -115] I desire to alive a life similar his. Handsome, cracking at acting, lives similar a squealer inward his gratis fourth dimension but together with then goes dorsum to looking handsome i time it's fourth dimension for a comeback. I know a lot of people give him flak for his relationships.. but alongside his visuals, his wealth.. I bet it's the women who are waiting inward trouble for him?

2. [+720, -37] In his painting present 'Titanic', he sacrificed himself to salve his lover.. but I bet inward existent life, he's the type of guy to shove her off together with salve himself..

3. [+134, -18] I know yous lose if you're jealous but I'm jealous

4. [+73, -3] These relationships are all nether contract. DiCaprio uses his fame to assistance them arrive at their ain fame piece the girls larn out i time they striking 25. For them, they're even thus at a prime number historic menstruation thus it's even thus a win inward their book. DiCaprio entirely cares for younger girls piece girls become far trouble because it's a i time inward a life fourth dimension chance for their careers.

5. [+69, -1] It's merely hilarious that there's such a clear pattern

6. [+44, -3] It's a win win for both parties... girls desire him for the money, he uses that for his ain enjoyment...

7. [+52, -16] He's mentally sick at this point

8. [+28, -2] This seems similar a mental illness

9. [+27, -1] For the overstep percenters, this is the means to alive life ㅋㅋㅋㅋ also bad it'll last lonely on your decease bed ㅋㅋ yous lived your life for people who wanted yous for nil other than your wealth together with straightaway you'll expire surrounded past times people who aren't fifty-fifty saddened past times your death. Still, I acknowledge I'm jealous of him ㅎㅎㅎ

10. [+26, -3] Honestly, fifty-fifty from the women's perspectives, I don't intend they'd desire a longer human relationship alongside him anyway ㅎ

11. [+21, -0] There's no argue for these women to non pursue a human relationship alongside him. Just seat upward alongside him till you're 25 together with you'll automatically last known past times the the world every bit his girl together with you'll larn to launch your ain career off of that fame subsequently on...

12. [+22, -4] Not similar he's married together with cheating around. Who cares if he's hanging out alongside 100 models at a time? He's got the coin together with fame to dorsum it up, together with they're in all likelihood the ones flocking to him.


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