Twice's Mina As Well As Nct's Jeno Spotted Inwards A Yoke Outfit?

Video: Twice's Mina, i of the daughters of a rich household unit of measurement is dating person who is cheaping out on her(please run away)

Source: Sojang via YouTube

1. [+360] I wishing Mina would simply larn into a scandal amongst a golden spoon non-celebrity... Why is she bothering to larn into a human relationship amongst some human being who exclusively cares almost cheaping out to salve himself some coins? ㅋㅋ And why an NCT fellow member of all people, what create you lot holler back you lot lack to stoop then low; ㅋㅋ

2. [+137] Mina is likewise damn kind

3. [+201] Unni, delight don't appointment a Korean-man, please

4. [+168] Mina-ya, delight appointment person to a greater extent than on your level, sigh

5. [+101] Mina is from a distinguished family, why is she dating some nipper similar this? Because she's bored? Why lay upwards amongst a swain who gets you lot such inexpensive gifts? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+104] Of course of report our Korean-men disappoint us no affair where they are

7. [+93] She was in all likelihood raised similar a princess at abode exclusively to hold upwards treated similar this inwards Korea ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+56] Why is Jeno then embarrassing... he's actually showing what dating a Korean-man is like

9. [+20] Jeno has worn Dips clothing multiple times whereas Mina has exclusively worn it this i time, which way it's in all likelihood truthful that Jeno gifted it to her

10. [+97] Mina unni, delight don't appointment him ㅜㅜ

11. [+36] Mina-san, delight run away... ㅠㅠ

12. [+42] I holler back Mina's simply dating him for funsies? She'll in all likelihood convey her fun amongst dating or then but goal upwards married to a decent human being inwards the end

13. [+76] The course of report of Korean-men

14. [+36] I experience bad for Mina

15. [+76] What a tryhard... he's willing to pay money to rent a Porsche but inexpensive out on his girlfriend's gift? I can't stand upwards guys similar him

16. [+60] Wait then he didn't fifty-fifty purchase a Porsche, he rented it... ugh, that's embarrassing...

17. [+35] Why does Mina exclusively become or then dating the cheapest of guys

18. [+24] Aren't they both super rich, though? Especially since Jeno dips into both Dream as well as U income?
- [+44] If he's then rich, why is he leasing a Porsche?
- [+23] He's then rich as well as withal he bought his lady friend a 30,000 won twosome t-shirt?;;;;;
- [+6] Yes, he is rich but he's exclusively willing to pass on himself amongst supercars as well as luxury brands acre buying his lady friend inexpensive materials ㅋㅋㅋ


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