Japanese Netizen Writes Inwards Hangeul To Warn Koreans Of Typhoon Dangers, Melts Hearts Of Korean Netizens

Article: "Don't operate out the house" Japanese netizen who experienced Hinnamnor offset writes inward Hangeul to warn Koreans

Source: Kukmin Ilbo via Nate

"To all Koreans, at that spot is a real rigid typhoon headed your way. Wind speeds may instruct upwardly to sixty m/s past times the fourth dimension it hits Jeju Island. When Nihon hitting air current speeds of 57.5 m/s, big Fe plates were flung unopen to similar pieces of paper. Trucks were overturned every bit well. Please hold upwardly careful. And never operate out your homes."


1. [+1,274, -36] Thank y'all together with then much it gives us strength

2. [+1,196, -32] Thank y'all for your advice

3. [+1,163, -36] A Japanese alongside a warm heart

4. [+47, -2] There are variety Japanese people too

5. [+42, -6] I tin experience that this somebody is genuine

6. [+36, -6] Arigato gozaimasu

7. [+20, -2] Thank y'all together with then much for your warm pump together with concern

8. [+16, -2] There are a lot of kind-hearted Japanese people... it's simply that they accept a lot of evil politicians...

9. [+14, -0] This recharges my dearest for mankind ㅜㅜ

10. [+13, -3] We are all 1 world. Thank you. Arigato gozaimasu!!!

11. [+12, -2] In both Korea together with Japan, it's e'er our politicians who are the issue... every bit for the residuum of us, nosotros all alive the same lives alongside the same concerns...

12. [+10, -0] I experience thankful for this person. And they alive inward Okinawa likewise together with then I trust their words fifty-fifty more.


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