Male Business Office Instrumentalist Inwards His Forties Arrested For Drug Abuse

 Article: Male thespian inwards his forties arrested for drug abuse

Source: YTN via Naver

1. [+64, -14] Fool!!! What were yous thinking!!!

2. [+55, -8] I wonder if it's actually the guy from 'Cheese In the Trap'?? Who is it?

3. [+50, -2] So who is it? Apparently it's non the guy from 'World of the Married'. Twitter's already going off near how it's someone famous together with they were caught past times constabulary spell throwing upwards on the side of the street. 

4. [+46, -8] Park Hae Jin's pretty infamous since earlier his debut. He used to travel at a host bar. What a plumbing fixtures halt to his celebrity career ㅋㅋ

5. [+23, -5] I promise it's non Park Hae Jin... I recollect thinking it was amazing of him to donate 1.7 billion won earlier together with hoped the best for him

6. [+19, -0] Yoo Jung sunbae? I'm besides curious if nosotros always flora out who the famous actress caught drooling inwards a 'Burning Sun' room was

7. [+19, -1] Woo Young Woo: Park to the Hae to the Jin

8. [+16, -1] We're going to honour out anyway, simply get-go dropping the initials

9. [+16, -2] Who is it... nosotros bespeak the netizen investigation squad stat!!

10. [+12, -1] Park Hae Jin debuted inwards 2006 together with has changed his Instagram to private! ㅜㅜㅜ

11. [+12, -4] Hae Jin-ah... all those host bar nights alone to halt upwards similar this...

12. [+11, -6] P H J


Source: Nate

1. [+424, -75] Is it the guy from 'World of the Married'?
- There's tidings that Lee Moo Saeng denied it

2. [+77, -0] Why are nosotros spreading rumors that it's the thespian from 'World of the Married'? He lives inwards Kyungkido together with he has a solid unit of measurement together with kids. This druggie lives inwards Gangnam Nonhyundong, together with he's non a nugu either. He's got decent wealth together with fame.

3. [+76, -2] Just tell it's Park Hae Jin! And halt letting rumors witch hunt innocent actors!

4. [+56, -0] PHJ debuted inwards 2006 together with turned his Instagram private... could it live him?

5. [+53, -0] Deleted his Instagram, V lives... later all that scandal near his past times together with country of war machine service, he ends upwards similar this

6. [+51, -0] Lee Moo Saeng-ssi posted on his Instagram that it's non him

7. [+46, -1] I intend he actually is a famous thespian together with that's why the media is staying hush on his name... if it was roughly nugu, his cite would've been plastered everywhere already

8. [+44, -0] Cheese inwards the trap

9. [+41, -3] Why did PHJ plow his Instagram private? He debuted inwards 2006 amongst '7 Princesses'... tell it's non yous ㅠㅠ

10. [+28, -0] Wow!! HE actually did plow his Instagram person


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