Jang Wonyoung's Trendy 'Tweety Bangs' Stir Arguing Amidst International Communities

Video: Jang Wonyoung is getting a sh*t ton of abhor from international fans

Source: Taexeon1 via TikTok

1. [+248] Eh? Wonyoung is an idol, non person who is supposed to live on educated inward basis culture
- [+23] But she's silent an influential figure, she should live on to a greater extent than careful
- [+20] You're correct but how tin dismiss she live on careful almost every unmarried thing? It's non similar she has ii brains to live on going around memorizing every all these things
- [+21] Honestly, this pilus is simply something styled for her yesteryear her stylist who in all likelihood see it was simply a cute agency to manner babe hair. How is Wonyoung supposed to know if the stylist knew it has roots inward Black historyㅜ? It's non similar it's some specific pilus manner similar reggae hair... Yes, I handgrip that she should live on careful equally a populace figure but this seems similar such a forced excuse simply to abhor on her ㅠ

2. [+144] Koreans accept ever had perms for babe hairs together with Jang Wonyoung simply took that together with gave it a cute elevate called Tweety bangs.. If those international fans are going to live on bothered yesteryear this, together with thence they should origin yesteryear getting mad at every province that has their variation of perming babe hairs without calling it "laid edges Black style"

3. [+85] Ugh people triggered i time again

4. [+61] This isn't fifty-fifty a big bargain to live on getting upset about..

5. [+12] It'd live on incorrect to assume that everyone has the same degree of cognition equally everyone else thence I sympathize the fence this has caused, but I've ever been aware of the pose edges manner oft worn yesteryear Black people thence when Jang Wonyoung all of a abrupt started calling it Tweety bangs, it did brand me halt together with become "huh?", together with it does bother me that she keeps calling it that together with acting similar she came upwards with the see ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+6] I shout back the people mad at this should become aspect at what pose edges are supposed to aspect like
- [+1] It looks completely dissimilar from this
- [+2] That's what I'm saying, it's definitely a dissimilar style

7. [+42] This is a fence that's taking house with international fans thence it'd live on best if Koreans simply stayed out of it together with tranquillity ㅠ it's a theme that's sensitive for many

8. [+26] I'd sympathize Black people existence upset if this was something similar blackface but this is just... a illustration of Jang Wonyoung making a Black hairstyle a tendency together with giving it a elevate she chose, no? ㅋㅋㅋ
- [+4] This is a pilus manner with historical important for Black people, you lot can't simply allow a celebrity from some other province to origin calling it whatever she wants. I tin dismiss sympathize why Black people are mad over it. 

9. [+21] This seems to a greater extent than similar a illustration of the shaggy cutting together with ash cutting essentially existence the pilus styles, simply called dissimilar names... non certain what civilization has anything to create with it

10. [+36] Her pilus stylists in all likelihood wanted to brand her stand upwards out yesteryear doing something particular thence they cutting her bangs -> stylists decided to give it a elevate together with decided on Tweety bangs because it was i of her childhood nicknames together with she looks similar a babe chick earlier her pilus is gear upwards -> at that spot is no agency to hold back Jang Wonyoung to live on educated inward Black culture, it's simply a cute elevate she gave it together with people are causing all this fuss over it

11. [+25] I don't larn why Black people are thence sensitive? It's similar they hold back the whole basis to live on aware of their culture's customs together with observe it no affair what ㅠ

12. [+16] What are people going to abhor on Jang Wonyoung for next? Just breathing together with wasting air? 

13. [+9] And create Black people know every piddling thing almost Korean culture? ㅠㅠ It's non similar Jang Wonyoung did this pilus because she chose it, why abhor on her for it? ㅜ Is it necessary that Koreans are also educated inward Black culture? 

14. [+8] I shout back the crux of the occupation is that she gave a novel elevate to the manner of bangs. It's similar a foreigner taking a hanbok or kimchi together with starting to telephone telephone it something else. We'd live on mad, too. I do, however, shout back that this isn't an upshot to blame Jang Wonyoung on. 

15. [+19] How is Jang Wonyoung supposed to know this almost Black culture?


Top Pann comments:

- They're ever similar this, don't feed the trolls
- Why is she supposed to know almost Black civilization too?
- Is it necessary to hold back her to know almost their culture?


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