Kim Yuna's Hereafter Father-In-Law Stresses That The Excessive Media Attending Is Damaging His Human Relationship Amongst His Son

Article: Kim Yuna's hereafter father-in-law "The excessive attending is ruining my human relationship alongside my son"

Source: Seoul News via Naver

1. [+3,271, -425] Seems similar he's someone who merely can't assist but run his mouth. He tin merely travel past times on these interviews as well as offering to verbalise adjacent fourth dimension but he merely had to dice inwards in that place as well as add together inwards that fleck most how his human relationship alongside his boy has larn rocky because of all of this attention. Why add together that? Yuna-ya, you're inwards for an exhausting marriage.

2. [+2,277, -148] Pastor-nim your daughter-in-law is non your family, they are a stranger. Don't intend of their spousal human relationship every bit adding a missy to your household unit of measurement but every bit an chance to assist your boy accomplish independence from you. I truly don't similar that you're constantly mentioning her inwards headlines when all she's done is worked difficult to accomplish all that she has. 

3. [+1,832, -71] Would it hold upwards also much to inquire that her in-laws halt giving these interviews? Kim Yuna herself, her parents, as well as fifty-fifty Go Woo Rim are staying quiet, but it's alone his parents who dice along giving these interviews as well as fueling to a greater extent than rumors as well as assumptions... They tell also much.. ㅡㅡ

4. [+1,302, -42] It's funny how he's bespeak people to halt giving them as well as hence much attending when he's the i taking every interview as well as running his oral cavity inwards all of them. You dice along maxim unnecessary things inwards these interviews because yous desire the attention, don't you? You're the i who brought upwards that yous haven't met Kim Yuna's parents yet, that your habitation is a rental, that the brace is treatment their affairs on their ain as well as that you're upset that you're non included more... Why tell whatever of that? Please dice dorsum as well as read your interviews 100 times over as well as reverberate on them.

5. [+1,236, -68] Kim Yuna's parents are as well as hence serenity as well as nevertheless it's her in-laws who dice along running their mouths

6. [+330, -8] Kim Yuna never said a give-and-take until intelligence of her spousal human relationship was announced starting fourth dimension past times Go Woo Rim's reps, which made me dice "hmm?" but sure, mayhap that's what they decided... until his manful someone raise started going closed to giving interviews correct after, talking most their faith as well as how she could create to a greater extent than when everyone knows that Kim Yuna is Catholic anyway. Honestly, it seems similar a skillful thing that his human relationship alongside his boy is becoming rocky. That mightiness hold upwards for the better. Go Woo Rim has been staying serenity but at i time he's getting all this loathe because of his manful someone raise running his mouth. Just allow the brace figure it out. The father-in-law needs to halt talking every bit if Kim Yuna is becoming his ain wife.

7. [+324, -7] Yuna-ya, it's non also late

8. [+301, -4] Would've been meliorate non to cite that your human relationship alongside your boy is getting rockier. Actually, don't create these interviews at all.

9. [+309, -28] Yuna has such terrible gustation inwards men

10. [+160, -1] I select never i time heard of a rumor claiming that Kim Yuna bought her in-laws a habitation the size of a palace but her father-in-law keeps bringing it upwards similar the rumors are truly circulating somewhere;; ㅋㅋ Maybe he's the i who started the rumor himself...

11. [+168, -14] In my eyes, this hubby is non upwards to her standards ㅠ I want she'd selection meliorate partners ㅠㅠ

12. [+133, -5] There are as well as hence many marriages that destination upwards inwards disaster because of household unit of measurement issues similar this. She needs to quit piece she's ahead. I promise she merely marries some rich guy as well as lives comfortably. This spousal human relationship seems similar there's also much emotional suffering ahead of her.


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