Hinnamnor Recedes, Unveiling Gist Wrenching Stories Of Those Who Never Made It Out Of Pohang's Tragic Parking Lot

Article: The tragedy of the Pohang woman nurture as well as son... woman nurture was saved, boy constitute dead

Source: Channel A via Naver + Nate

A 55 twelvemonth onetime woman nurture as well as her xv twelvemonth onetime boy went downward to deed their auto inward the early on morn upon hearing an story broad proclamation alert of a possible overflowing inward their parking lot. By the fourth dimension the 2 got inward the car, the flash overflowing had already filled the parking lot. The boy managed to operate out as well as opened upwards the door plenty for the woman nurture to operate out equally good earlier realizing that the province of affairs was beyond their control. The woman nurture noticed other residents inward the parking lot gathering as well as asked her boy to larn alongside them without her because she didn't wishing her injured shoulder to burden their chances for survival. The son's lastly words to her were "Thank y'all for raising me" earlier he was discovered dead xv hours later. The identify unit of measurement has yet to inform the woman nurture of his death. 


1. [+1,179, -8] So plainly the xv twelvemonth onetime can't drive as well as deed the auto himself thence he must've followed his mom downward at that spot out of worry from the pelting as well as all.. ㅠㅜ I don't know what words could perhaps console his parents for their loss ㅠㅜ

2. [+1,601] I'm crying... I wonder if the boy knew what was going to come about thence he said what he wanted to say...

3. [+1,450, -12] How is the woman nurture supposed to live on alongside the guilt of knowing that she brought her boy out at that spot ㅠㅠ what a tragic terminal conversation ㅜㅜ

4. [+1,363, -13] As someone alongside a similar aged boy myself, my pump is vehement apart ㅠ my tears simply won't halt ㅠㅠ delight balance inward peace. No words volition help... but detect strength!!

5. [+189, -0] And I'm certain she held on to her life for those xiv hours alongside the belief that her boy was nonetheless live as well as that she needed to larn dorsum to him..

6. [+171, -1] So tragic... "thank y'all for raising me".. ㅜㅜ delight balance knowing that y'all gave your woman nurture xv years of happiness. Rest inward peace...

7. [+135, -90] Ah.. I'm crying. Most boys his historic catamenia would rather sit down inward their rooms to game alongside their friends, but he was worried virtually his woman nurture going out alone. A man child alongside such a deep sense of love.. ㅠㅠㅠ I wonder if he knew of his impending death.. how is his woman nurture supposed to live on after hearing that? 

8. [+129, -2] How could this convey happened... The woman nurture didn't intend she'd last thence she sent him off, as well as the boy understood what she was trying to produce thence he gave her his lastly goodbye ㅠ

9. [+111, -2] I'm going crazy because I can't halt crying. I convey a boy his historic catamenia as well as my pump is hcoking. With no ane to blame, how tin dismiss she live on anymore?

10. [+100, -2] No ane could've e'er predicted that he might've survived if he had simply stayed alongside her;;;;

11. [+90, -0] When I saw the woman nurture sobbing equally she was beingness rescued, I felt thence assured that she would live reunited alongside her boy too.. I'm crying because this is thence unfortunate..

12. [+88, -0] The woman nurture told him "At to the lowest degree y'all demand to survive" as well as sent him off to a grouping of other residents... I don't empathise how something thence tragic tin dismiss come about to woman nurture as well as boy ㅠㅠㅠ

13. [+70, -0] To intend that she was belongings on alongside every ounce of her strength, believing that she had sent her boy to safety.. to wishing to come upwards out of this live as well as allow her boy know that she was okay.. I can't imagine how empty she must experience correct now.. ㅠ

14. [+69, -0] Knowing what had happened within is making me proper name ㅠㅠㅠㅠ the boy must've had a feeling.. that this would live their lastly conversation. The woman nurture volition live the balance of her life inward regret that she sent him off.. Reality is besides harsh on her. If she had kept him past times her side, could they convey been saved together...

15. [+62, -0] There aren't many middle schoolhouse boys who would larn upwards inward the morn to operate out alongside their mothers similar this ㅠㅠ


Source: Nate

1. [+2,713, -12] What to produce virtually this ㅜㅜ I was wondering why at that spot was a teen listed inward the deaths but it was because he's commonly described equally beingness glued to his woman nurture ㅜㅜ how tin dismiss a woman nurture live after sending her boy off similar this?

2. [+2,018, -13] So tragic... may he balance inward peace

3. [+171, -0] Such a sort boy who went out alongside his woman nurture to protect his woman nurture from the weather... I tin dismiss already run into how much he must've loved her all his life ㅠㅠ

4. [+158, -2] How tin dismiss the woman nurture live on .. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I can't fifty-fifty imagine a life where my ain shaver is gone earlier me.. ㅠ

5. [+138, -0] I can't fifty-fifty imagine how much the woman nurture must've been looking for him within that parking lot all this time

6. [+125, -0] The woman nurture doesn't know he's passed yet ㅠㅠ she won't live able to live a sane life after finding out.. she's already inward precarious health, this volition swallow her from the within out...

7. [+97, -0] How tin dismiss a woman nurture live expected to live on without a boy who adored her so? May he balance inward peace.

8. [+95, -1] Her life won't live the same after this ㅠㅠ she's likely thinking she would've rather gone instead of him.. I'm a parent, too.. this breaks my pump ㅠㅠ


Article: [Exclusive] Hyung who lost dongsaeng inward Pohang given helicopter ride to larn inward in fourth dimension for funeral

Source: No Cut News via Naver

A 22 twelvemonth onetime who had of late completed his service inward the Marines was constitute dead after entering the parking lot to deed his car, a gift from his older brother. His aunt revealed that inward his lastly moments trapped within the car, he called his older blood brother to tell him that he wouldn't live able to deed the auto out. His older brother, who is currently serving on Dokdo, was chartered a helicopter past times the metropolis to larn inward to his funeral.

1. [+179, -1] Good on the law for allowing this. It is only correct that he gets to attend his dongsaeng's funeral. May he balance inward peace.

2. [+104, -1] I promise that the hyung does non blame himself for his dongsaeng's driblet dead over the car. This is thence tragic.

3. [+45, -2] It's non a waste materials of my taxation coin at all to pass it similar this

3. [+18, -0] Wow... that hyung's pump must live inward shreds correct now..

4. [+16, -0] A tragedy born out of the dongsaeng's wishing to aid his hyung larn his auto out of a overflowing ㅠ thence unfortunate. May he balance inward peace.

5. [+3, -0] Sigh... simply right away discharged, cypher but his whole life ahead of him. May he balance inward peace.


Source: Naver

1. [+307] So heartbreaking... I promise that his remaining identify unit of measurement is able to overcome this.

2. [+170, -6] The 2 brothers must've been unopen for ane to gift a auto to the other. I can't imagine how distressing the hyung must be.. he must regret e'er buying him that car.

3. [+112, -1] Ah, how could they all leave of absence us similar this ㅠㅠ every unmarried ane of these stories breaks me into tears because they experience similar all of our neighbors as well as families. Rest inward peace.

4. [+86, -3] I'm breaking downward over this stranger's story ㅠ "Hyung, I won't live able to leave of absence alongside the car"... what is a auto inward the end... may he balance inward peace.

5. [+9, -1] The hyung must've felt his globe crashing downward on him over that lastly call... My pump chokes over simply hearing this news. May he balance inward peace.


Article: Families of the deceased inward Pohang parking lot "If only nosotros never heard the proclamation to deed our cars..."

Source: Chosun Ilbo via Nate

1. [+2,732, -128] News had been playing for a calendar week earlier the typhoon that it'd live unsafe to operate on your cars parked inward hole-and-corner parking lots. Even the 24-hour interval earlier the typhoon hit. The selection was left to the residents as well as it's unfair for them to live blaming the management constituent virtually it now. They were plainly making decisions alongside what they knew, they had no thought that this would've ended thence tragically..;

2. [+1,595, -27] And if they had never made the proclamation to deed their cars, thence all of the residents would nonetheless live angry that their cars were flooded as well as no proclamation was given. How could y'all hold off someone to brand the correct determination inward the confront of a natural disaster? Please don't witch hunt anyone over this.

3. [+1,501, -47] We demand to root installing H2O barriers inward these hole-and-corner parking lots...

4. [+131, -7] It's terrible that lives were lost but there's no betoken inward looking for someone to blame. It's an unfair witch hunt against the management office. 

5. [+105, -2] There was no winning inward this situation.. it's unfortunate what happened ㅜㅜ

6. [+100, -1] The management constituent did what they had to do. They could non convey predicted that the river would've overflowed. The deaths are tragic but there's no ane to blame. We all knew that hole-and-corner parking lots were a danger endangerment inward the fourth dimension of a typhoon.

7. [+76, -2] This is a tragedy that can't live blamed on whatever ane side

8. [+35, -2] It's unfair to blame anyone.. When y'all were downward there, it was upwards to y'all to brand the determination to larn inward or not. You should've known past times thence that at that spot was no saving that car.

9. [+32, -1] I dubiousness the security ajusshi made that proclamation hoping people would larn downward to their deaths. I empathise that families are upset correct right away ㅠ but I'm certain the security ajusshi is riddled alongside guilt equally well... This is no one's fault. It's simply a reminder that nature is scary. I empathise that the security ajusshi was inward a losing situation. If he had never made that announcement, people would've been mad at him for their cars beingness left to flood. He made the best determination he could inward that instant alongside the information that he had. Rest inward peace, everyone...

10. [+26, -2] It's no one's fault. I'm certain the somebody who made that proclamation is terrorized past times the trauma of it all equally well.. Don't witch hunt them.


Article: "I'm thence sorry, I'm thence sorry..." management officeholder who made proclamation to deed cars, his whole trunk was shaking

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+1,959] You did the best y'all could. I promise that this doesn't leave of absence him alongside trauma ㅜㅜ it's an unfortunate province of affairs all around

2. [+502] People who are attacking him are going to halt upwards driving him to his driblet dead correct now

3. [+426] It's non your fault, delight call back that!

4. [+713] What could anyone produce inward the confront of such a natural disaster? You did the best y'all could inward that situation.

5. [+1,273] I experience thence bad for the trauma this is going to leave of absence him with... it's non his fault at all


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