Another Survey Polls Koreans On Bts Nation Of War Machine Issue

Article: Over one-half vote that BTS must serve... voters inwards their twenties overwhelmingly against 'special exemptions'

Source: Han via Naver

Jowon C&I ran a survey on the fourth polling 1,001 people regarding the BTS military machine issue, to which 54.1% voted that BTS must serve together with 40.1% voted that they deserved particular treatment. 

73.2% of voters inwards their twenties idea that BTS had a duty to serve. 58.1% of men together with 50.3% of women also idea BTS had a duty to serve. 


1. [+796, -35] Considering their longterm future, wouldn't it live on best for BTS to only serve?? It's exclusively hard to larn to the indicate of worldwide fame but i time you've achieved it, people volition applaud y'all for anything... 1 yr together with vi months tin live on considered a fourth dimension for recharge, together with I'm certain fans all over the footing volition human face for their discharge. I intend BTS has to a greater extent than to attain past times only volunteering to larn now.

2. [+518, -9] Money is money, run is work, military machine is the military, together with duty is duty

3. [+302, -6] They convey to serve. There should live on no exceptions. It's unfair to the balance of the youth who are forced to go...

4. [+171, -18] Of class they should larn ㅠ my ain boy is serving. I don't larn why there's all this beak inwards the outset place.

5. [+128, -11] Just larn already!!!

6. [+96, -1] Get rid of the perks for athletes, too... I intend it's fourth dimension that nosotros reconsider all of these standards.

7. [+74, -0] Hilarious to me that we're debating this over around singers at all

8. [+63, -2] They said they would larn together with thus why non only larn ㅋㅋ aren't they embarrassed to live on asset off this long ㅋㅋ

9. [+56, -0] Just stride upwardly together with go. Your popularity has zippo to create amongst your duty to your nation.

10. [+42, -0] Just go... I am opposed to whatsoever particular considerations. No i serves because they desire to... Once nosotros start making excuses for this together with that, it'll live on unfair to the balance of the youth. Their fourth dimension is only every bit of import every bit yours.


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