Lee Jung Jae Shape Every 2Nd Atomic Number 82 Inward Star Wars Serial 'The Acolyte'

 Article: Lee Jung Jae shape equally atomic number 82 inwards Star Wars serial 'The Acolyte'

Source: Kukmin Ilbo via Naver

1. [+325, -22] What? Cast inwards a Star Wars franchise?? As a leading role? That's crazy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm a large fan of the franchise already but this is all the same actually amazing ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+97, -7] I retrieve when Jung Woo Sung striking daebak amongst 'The City of the Rising Sun' dorsum inwards the day, everyone assumed Lee Jung Jae's popularity would run out of steam... but straightaway that fourth dimension has passed, the exact contrary happened. You actually never know how your life volition plough out until yous alive it.

3. [+63, -22] I served amongst Jung Jae-ssi inwards the same unit of measurement dorsum inwards '95 too I retrieve him beingness such a kind, heartwarming friend. I back upwards him!

4. [+30, -1] Clap clap clap clap clap 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏

5. [+20, -2] What inwards the world, I never idea I'd read something similar Lee Jung Jae beingness shape equally the atomic number 82 for Star Wars!!!! Are nosotros going to larn to come across Lee Jung Jae fling around a lite saber? Hoorah! Hoorah! Hoorah! 

6. [+16, -1] He's ever done actually good amongst his career but it seems he's hitting his peak potential now

7. [+12, -0] I promise it's some other keen epic similar 'Rogue One'.. ㅠㅠ

8. [+19, -9] Let's start past times getting him some English linguistic communication lessons first

9. [+10, -1] Maybe life genuinely does laid about at 50... same goes for Yoon Yeo Jung

10. [+10, -3] I experience similar there's zip practiced that ever comes out of casting Asians inwards roles similar these. I'd rather he simply buy the farm along creating Korean-centered content amongst Netflix. He's alone wasting his ikon past times doing other side projects similar this.

11. [+5, -0] Lee Jung Jae's actually hitting that mid-life jackpot...

12. [+5, -0] It's keen that he's doing it but I wishing it's going to last good made... Star Wars lineament has been downwards the drain lately...

13. [+4, -0] His English linguistic communication skills are going to last the biggest obstacle... I promise he practices dilligently too comes away amongst some other successful product


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