Oli London Posts Apology To Jimin Together With The Asian Community

Article: "Looking similar BTS Jimin" English linguistic communication influencer who had 32 surgeries to expect similar Jimin posts regrets too apology

Source: Herald Economy via Nate

1. [+146, -3] He's ever talking nigh how he wants to alive life equally a Korean someone too silent I've never 1 time heard him speak inward proper Korean

2. [+114, -0] If he actually wanted to instruct out Korean, he should've used the coin he spent on plastic surgeries on linguistic communication classes instead

3. [+77, -2] I wonder how much he's going to regret this 1 time he's former ㅠㅠ

4. [+13, -0] If yous similar someone, drive to resemble their graphic symbol rather than their looks

5. [+12, -0] He doesn't expect similar Jimin at all ㅡㅡ

6. [+11, -0] Korean? His music video seemed heavily weeb inspired..;;

7. [+9, -4] Then he should come upwardly to Korea too serve inward the military machine inward BTS' place

8. [+5, -1] He looks similar Kang Ta

9. [+3, -1] He looks to a greater extent than similar gagman Kim Ki Soo

10. [+2, -0] Why does he expect similar that


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