Update Manlike Mortal Idols Who Tin Sing High Notes

Pann: The best high notes of 2012

The best high notes from manlike someone idols who debuted inwards 2012

B.A.P Daehyun

EXO Baekhyun

EXO Chen

Vixx Leo


1. [+151, -8] Daehyun is amazing. three octaves? Wow.

2. [+133, -8] I checked the minute link of Daehyun too the concluding piece of occupation of I Believe I Can Fly gave me goosebumps...

3. [+102, -43] Leo sings actually well. I'm non a Vixx fan merely whenever I sentry music shows, I tin dismiss come across Leo's talent.

4. [+58, -2] When I root saw B.A.P, I idea Daehyun got inwards for his facial expression upwards merely his high notes gave me goosebumps.

5. [+55, -3] I actually wonder the highest banknote Daehyun tin dismiss hit. His fellowship should rank him inwards Immortal Song.

6. [+50, -2] Thank yous for including Daehyun!! Other singers on the listing likewise sing actually well. Thank yous ane time to a greater extent than for adding Daehyun on the list!!

The best high notes from manlike someone idols who debuted inwards  Update Male idols who tin dismiss sing high notes

7. [+50, -3] Daehyun sings actually well. His high notes are likewise amazing.

8. [+47, -1] Daehyun shows an unexpected side of him... The minute link gave me goosebumps... Tbh I idea he got inwards for his visual merely he sings actually well... He's handsome too a practiced singer, such an unfair character.

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