Update [+Updated] Blind Exceptional Of 2 Celebrity Couples

(This blind especial was commencement posted inward December, 2015)

Couple A

A model-turned-movie histrion who was extremely pop this year.

An actress amongst a skinny icon who's the same historic flow every bit him. Rather than movies, she promotes inward dramas. She was a Pb graphic symbol inward a drama that late ended. She had dating rumors amongst a dissimilar human being this year, together with hence people wouldn't await her to move dating the actor.

Couple B:

The actress is every woman's business office model because she's far by thirty only she has rattling immature looks.

The histrion that she's dating is to a greater extent than than 10 years younger than her. The histrion has handsome looks together with he's starring inward a pop drama every bit a likeable character. He didn't convey big popularity until his electrical flow drama.


Instiz: Celebrity couples that haven't been revealed yet

- I heard that it's Park Bogum together with Jang Nara

- I tin entirely intend of Kim Woo Bin together with Shin Min Ah...

- I heard the commencement pair is Kang Dong Won together with Jung Rye Won ㅠㅠ

- All I tin gauge is Jang Nara when it comes to 'young looks' ㅋㅋㅋ


Pann: Blind items that haven't been released yet

1. [+78, -5] Ah please... I promise it's non Tuna oppa... Of course, he must move dating soul at his historic flow only it yet breaks my heart

2. [+76, -1] When it was commencement posted, the comments were guessing Kang Dong Won & Jung Rye Won together with Park Bogum & Jang Nara

3. [+69, -1] Kang Dong Won, Jung Rye Won, Park Bogum, Jang Nara. I promise it's non true.

4. [+41, -9] I wanted Park Bogum to destination upwards good amongst Irene ㅠㅠ

5. [+38, -1] I don't loathe Jung Rye Won only I desire Dong Won Tuna oppa to engagement soul else ㅠㅠ

6. [+36, -2] I actually promise Park Bogum is non true... The historic flow gap... ㅋㅋ

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