Jennie In Addition To Five Hacker Leaks To A Greater Extent Than Pictures To The Dismay Of Netizens

Article: "Video calls as well as brow kisses" V as well as Jennie's dating rumors, some other span photograph is leaked

Source: TV Chosun via Naver

1. [+886, -104] This the grouping that tin appointment roughly but don't want to serve inward the army?

2. [+478, -16] Just larn out them alone, permit them appointment if they want

3. [+267, -11] Shouldn't nosotros move focusing on catching the hacker correct now?? Isn't the media complying amongst a criminal offence yesteryear moving it remove to the headlines similar this?

4. [+217, -24] I bet they want regular army exemptions thus they tin larn roughly dating similar this

5. [+115, -8] The amusement manufacture is simply i big creature kingdom

6. [+82, -3] They may move celebrities who alive inward the populace eye... but there's no argue to move leaking their individual information similar this. Just larn out them lone They only larn to alive out their twenties once, why non permit them date? Why dig thus deep into someone's life as well as pocket their individual photos similar this ㅜㅜ this is likely crueler than going into their habitation as well as emptying out their safe

7. [+61, -9] It is non a criminal offence to move inward a human relationship piece immature as well as beautiful... They are rich as well as receive got done plenty for our country. Let them appointment happily.

8. [+47, -3] It's non similar they're married to others or cheating on other people. They're simply similar whatever normal people inward honey thus plenty amongst the fuss as well as permit them move

9. [+42, -1] V-ssi, your field is calling you!!! Hurry as well as study to the Nonsan preparation pump gogogo

10. [+35, -0] So they must move dating, what are nosotros to produce nigh that? What's worse hither is that their individual information is existence leaked.


Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+203 Let them appointment ㅡㅡ what's thus incorrect nigh 2 immature as well as beautiful people inward love...

2. [+83] I produce non want to come across whatever kissing pictures... simply larn out them alone...

3. [+40] ㅡㅡ How tiring it must move for them. They simply want to appointment quietly but no i volition larn out them alone. I experience bad for them at times similar this... they may move rich as well as famous but they can't fifty-fifty appointment the somebody they honey comfortably. What an exhausting life.

4. [+19] The hacker must've been paid to a greater extent than than what they're bespeak for?

5. [+27] They are non committing an thing or whatever crime.. larn out them be


Video: Jennie's existent reaction to having her kissing moving-picture present amongst V leaked... shocking scene at her drome arrival

Source: Issue Feed via Instagram

1. [+377] Please larn out Jennie lone ㅠㅠ I can't imagine how hard as well as scary this must all move for her.. ㅠ I simply wishing her skillful health. She wouldn't present such a weak side unless it was actually getting to her ㅠ I promise this all gets resolved shortly ㅜ I don't know what's happening but I'm most worried for her wellness ㅠㅠ Blinks are ever yesteryear your side, don't forget that! Find strength!! ㅠㅠ

2. [+222] Please simply larn out Jennie as well as V lone ㅜㅠㅠ I simply promise both of them are looking out for their health

3. [+393] Please halt torturing Jennie as well as V ㅠㅠ does the hacker actually intend we'll criticize them simply for dating or getting married? They are immature as well as beautiful people inward love... nosotros all simply want the best for their happiness..

4. [+236] People are animals inward the end, as well as the 2nd someone steps into our individual territory without our consent, we're made to experience fearfulness as well as depression because our security is infringed upon. I simply want Jennie as well as V to experience comfortable. Find strength. They may move richer as well as to a greater extent than famous than me but I want them to discovery comfort.

5. [+99] I'm amazed that she's nonetheless able to grin for her fans amidst a province of affairs similar this

6. [+108] Let's hurry upwards as well as choose handgrip of the criminal thus they tin move thrown behind bars. As for Jennie as well as V, boot the bucket along loving ♡

7. [+44] If they are genuinely dating, I promise V is consoling Jennie as well as giving her lots of honey correct instantly I promise that they cook a honey that tin move a pillar for their hardships

8. [+83] All of this is simply crossing the line, for real

9. [+50] Jennie's going to larn a mental disease at this rate... she's suffering enough, delight simply stop. You tin say from the drome clips that she looks physically as well as mentally exhausted. Whatever the case, their individual lives should move off limits. Jennie, delight furnish to health! ㅠㅠ

10. [+36] Imagine simply existence inward honey as well as and thus having your information hacked simply for existence a celebrity... They are humans simply similar the residuum of us, who every bit good experience the want to receive got memories of their honey through photos. 


What are your thoughts on V as well as Jennie remaining still on their dating rumors? 33% an official tilt is needed vs 67% it's simply a rumor/they're entitled to their individual life

Source: Nate Poll


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