Hyuna Too E'dawn Larn Out Psy's P Nation

Article: Hyuna ♥ Dawn couple, adjacent afterwards Jessi to instruct out Psy's way afterwards three years

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+311] Looks similar P Nation isn't that nifty of an way equally nosotros thought

2. [+246] Everyone inwards P Nation is leaving

3. [+126] All of the source as well as minute signings of P Nation are leaving them

4. [+74] I mean value P Nation grew also big also fast for their ain good

5. [+92] I suppose staying alongside ane way for a long fourth dimension is a difficult affair to do. I recall reading that Lee Seung Gi has been alongside his way since his debut, hence eighteen years right away ㅋ

6. [+5] I experience similar at that spot must move something that Psy is planning for the big motion painting correct now

7. [+4] Seems similar everyone else is going to instruct out ane yesteryear ane hence ㅋㅋ Psy lucked out yesteryear hitting daebak alongside a vocal only he never seemed to convey the capability of preparation others. 

8. [+5] It was best for Jessi to leave, I'm certain there's a ameliorate way for her

9. After Psy left YG, I mean value he wanted to movement something earlier his adjacent album as well as settled on starting his ain way only he's lost involvement inwards it now


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