Secretary Of Defense Forcefulness Releases World Consider Poll On Effect Of Bts Regular Army Service To Aid Hasten Decision

Article: Government announces world sentiment poll on BTS regular army decision... Hybe stocks plummet

Source: Han via Naver

1. [+1,529, -92] So did they direct to larn amongst an sentiment poll because they weren't certain what standards to purpose for their service perks? This feels wrong. There are in addition to hence many immature men who are fulfilling their duty in addition to service to the country. Do non create a conclusion that ignores their difficult work. This grouping already has popularity in addition to wealth, practice they actually demand the responsibleness of service erased on transcend of that every bit well? How is that fair at all? The authorities needs to proceed its hands off of BTS' service issue. They are required to serve past times law.

2. [+584, -6] Was an sentiment poll necessary?

3. [+597, -37] They convey to serve. Are they aiming to farther widen the inequality gap past times having roughly serve in addition to roughly not??

4. [+461, -11] There are national laws laid for the military, I did non know that all it took was an sentiment poll for those laws to survive revoked ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ convey nosotros ever been in addition to hence barbaric? ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+382, -27] Why is an sentiment poll fifty-fifty necessary? They're men in addition to they're able-bodied, why are they non serving?


Article: Secretary of Defense "We convey ordered a world sentiment poll on BTS military machine issue... nosotros are trying to brand a conclusion quickly"

Source: Everyday Economy via Naver

1. [+590, -42] There are men out in that place serving amongst a cancerous tumor inwards their brain, weighing solely thirty kg, existence sick inwards roughly agency or the other, forced into world service if they convey to... merely BTS' service is existence decided past times a world vote? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Fine, let's tell BTS brought honor to our country, merely it's non similar they donated all of the coin they made to our military? They worked to growth their ain wealth, how is this fair to the balance of us? I don't assist if they don't serve merely in that place meliorate survive a fair argue for it. 

2. [+188, -11] I idea nosotros were deciding this past times fairness in addition to principles?

3. [+186, -19] Why is this fifty-fifty a question? Of course of educational activity they convey to serve!

4. [+81, -2] They became singers because they wanted to brand coin for themselves. They lucked out past times getting every bit pop every bit they did, what does whatsoever of that convey anything to practice amongst their military machine service?? They should survive held to the same standards every bit everyone else. Also, delight survive considerate of the feelings of parents whose sons facial expression service. The discrimination is amazing.

5. [+34, -1] They're actually turning their exemption perk into a world poll?? So what are they trying to say? That my boy had to endure inwards the regular army because he didn't convey a undertaking that allowed him to brand unusual money??? Such intelligence solely makes the parents of regular army sons who weren't rich plenty to larn them exemptions experience in addition to hence empty ㅠㅠ

6. [+28, -0] What is in that place to poll? Are they Korean men or not? Do they non know what duty is?

7. [+30, -3] They may survive stars merely they're also Korean men in addition to they convey a duty to protect their country

8. [+28, -1] So whatsoever homo successful inwards his plain of operate is existence granted exemptions now? From salarymen to entrepreneurs? No, all of them demand to serve...

9. [+20, -1] What is this poll for? Does the authorities non convey its ain standards? Its ain responsibility?

10. [+18, -2] Every citizen of this province is equal inwards the human face upward of our law. There is no exception. Get rid of exemption perks for sports athletes too.


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