Yang Hyun Suk's Lawyer Fights Han Seohee's Recording Of His Threats Equally Inappropriate Evidence

Article: Yang Hyun Suk, recording threatening Han Seohee submitted to court... 'high attending inwards whether it volition travel selected'

Source: Everyday Economy via Naver

1. [+398, -4] For the judge of our society, I promise that he volition boot the bucket forthwith to jail without a jeopardy for probation. I every bit good asking a reinvestigation into Burning Sun.

2. [+209, -2] They're in all likelihood trying to brand recordings illegal to allow men alongside coin similar this instruct away from the law

3. [+90, -1] And yet we're nevertheless trying to brand recordings illegal?? For whose benefit?? Cowardly politicians..

4. [+35, -2] Can nosotros delight only throw this ba$tard inwards jail already

5. [+26, -1] This fool would've never instruct famous if non for Seo Taiji. Instead of living his life humbly for that fact, this slice of trash chose to purpose his wealth for this. I tin solely promise that he meets a bitter end.

6. [+18, -1] Men similar him should travel exiled for good. Burning Sunday every bit good needs a novel investigation opened into it.

7. [+9, -0] Such a uncomplicated instance of what happens when only about alleyway thug is allowed access to money

8. [+9, -1] Such is what happens when the ignorant instruct brave!! They may deed similar an angel to your front end but their truthful flat volition exhibit inwards how they deed behind your back. He's a cancer to society, all because his ignorance together with wealth blinded him to his truthful roots.

9. [+9, -1] I wonder why this instance keeps getting hung upward on Han Seohee. Whether she reported BI's drug abuse for coin or for her ain feel of justice, the indicate of the instance should travel whether Yang Hyun Suk tried to bury BI's drug abuse or not. It's virtually every bit if Yang Hyun Suk isn't able to refute that accuse together with therefore he's only choosing to shoot the messenger ㅋㅋㅋ 

10. [+6, -0] The cancer of society... together with 1 of the leaders inwards spreading drugs inwards our country


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