Lack Of Lightsticks For Sm's Daughter Groups Compared To Man Child Groups

Pann: SM's sexual practice discrimination

1. [+117, -3] It's non merely this one... When SNSD's MV surpassed 200M views, at that spot wasn't a unmarried article nearly it. Taeyeon self-congratulated on her Instagram. Their discrimination is actually bad.

2. [+110, -1] How tin SNSD too BoA non convey a lightstick? It looks severe equally a non-fan ㅋㅋ I read a post where woman somebody trainees were recommending other companies because SM's discrimination is bad. I gauge it's true.

3. [+76, -1] I idea they'd give SNSD a lightstick but they didn't until the terminate ㅋㅋ

4. [+48, -2] Don't travail to justify SM's actions yesteryear mentioning sales. BoA too SNSD contributed a lot to the company. The society should give a lightstick to them for the sake of loyalty. It's non similar they convey a modest fandom, either. They're top woman somebody artists too non-SM daughter groups convey lightsticks. They won't lose anything from giving a lightstick. It shows that SM treats their artists similar products too gives no honour to them. I'm proverb this equally a long-term fan.

5. [+32, -2] People cash inward one's chips along mentioning sales but how are you lot going to explicate other daughter groups getting lightsticks too practise videos? Isn't that a must these days? If they can't ambit that, too then they shouldn't create daughter groups. BoA too SNSD are legends, it solely looks similar SM is discriminating them. So halt mentioning sales.

6. [+26, -1] MeUs all know that SM is trash.

7. [+23, -6] The betoken of this post isn't to complain how hoobae man child groups got their lightsticks first. It's to enquire when the daughter groups volition finally larn their lightsticks. Why are the fans of SM's man child groups getting upset over this? You tin merely tell "yeah SM needs to give daughter groups lightsticks" instead of acting similar "but your sales aren't equally big equally the man child groups!"

8. [+21, -5] Can nosotros get upward the facts? Except EXO, all of the man child groups got their lightsticks lastly twelvemonth too this year. People volition intend the man child groups got their lightsticks a long fourth dimension ago. SuJu took thirteen years, TVXQ took xv years, SHINee took 10 years, too NCT took ii years to larn their lightsticks. It's either that SM needs money, got their shit together, or they're for the concerts. Since it's SHINee's tenth anniversary, they'll convey a concert surely too NCT seems similar they're having one, too. There's no planned concert for SNSD too Red Velvet. Just enquire for a concert too if you lot all the same don't larn a lightstick, too then you lot tin musical rhythm out SM up.

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